Kathy and Jillie

Greer,South Carolina

United States

Profile Information:

Greer,South Carolina
About Me:
We are parents of two children, our son is 24 yrs old and graduated from college, with a degree in psychology. He plays professional arena football, with the Columbus Lions. Our daughter is 20 years old and is a junior in college. We have a large pet family, 3 dogs, and 3 cats, so we are busy taking care of everyone. My husband works as a national sales manager and I am a kindergarten teacher . We love our family!!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Our Corgi is a 2 year old female, red and white Pembroke,named Jillie! She is so smart and playful, she has a spunky personality. We are entertained by her constantly, she is a real joy for us!! Her favorite interests are playing fetch, chewies, playing with our other dogs, Samson and Jack! She also speaks her mind ....has a language of her own, she tries to keep everyone in line!
She is a little cuddlebug........so precious!!!!
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