

Chico, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Short, red-headed girl living in a small city 86 miles north of Sacramento. Dreamed and wished for a Corgi for years, finally got one on 11-30-10!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have:

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  • Eric & Caitlin Harper

    Husband and i go, almost ever mon-fri at around 4:15, sat/sun whenever we have time to go :) We will try to go around 2 on sat and sun now!
  • Eric & Caitlin Harper

    We haven't been much either because of the rain! I'm not sure what our schedule is like Saturday but we will try to go, you go at 2 right?
  • Kassi Hawkins

    yay :)