MaryRea, Dougy, and Rudy


Memphis, TN

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Married and almost thirty. My husband and I are Corgi obsessed and live a nice quite life with our Corgis.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We have one Corgi named Dougy. He is a tri-color and the best dog ever. He so smart and knows many tricks for only being one year old. We love Corgis so much we are getting another one this week. Stay tuned.
I have:

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  • Moosey May

    Thank you...your corgis are so cute. Moosey is pretty small compared to a lot of corgis I see in person shes only 25 lbs, so she is almost like your Dougy. Your baby looks like she will be small though.
  • Little Penguin

    so nice to meet all three of you this weekend! maybe I need to pick up a third member of my family too!
  • Edward and Gemima

    I love their Halloween costumes!!! He he he