Holly W


Papillion, NE

United States

Profile Information:

Columbia, sc
About Me:
I am married with three dogs.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Henry was adopted from Hearts United for Animals in Auburn, Nebraska. They rescued him from a puppy mill. He was emotionally scarred when he came to us four years ago. Since then he has come a long way. He was taught how to be a dog by the other two dogs that we have. He has slowly learned to trust people and realizes that not everyone is bad. He's a funny little guy who loves to herd the other two dogs, likes to swim in the summer, and really enjoys a good meal - a little too much as one can tell by his weight!
I have:

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  • Susan Parkins

    I haven't been back in a long time but I have a good friend that lives in Omaha that I need to visit. I was pretty young when I lived there and I'm not even sure I would remember where we lived. My dad was stationed at Offutt twice so the first time we lived in Papillion and the second was in Bellevue.
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    Thanks! Henry and Tommie should play sometime. I live in Millard.
  • Kristen

    Holly, glad you joined! I will be making contacts regarding the St. Pats Parade. When and if, the weather ever improves we are hopping to have another Corgi meet up out at the farm. The first one was so much fun. Hearts United is a great organization. Henry is adorable! Looks like such a happy fella. Kudos to you for adopting him! We have two puppy mill rescues in our pack of six! I have two four month old puppies that are looking for homes right now. So we have a full house! Welcome to MyCorgi!