
Columbus, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Fargo, North Dakota
About Me:
We are temporarily living in Columbus, GA till we move to Germany in November. We're newlyweds with our only child being Pi.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Pi randomly runs about the house, then stops and gets you to run with her. She loves anything with a pulse, and some without. She is a face licker, a booty shaker, and will tear soft toys apart and spread fuzz everywhere, oh and she also tries to bury treats in the blankets.
I have:

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  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Chris and Marie, contact Hilda here, she is the secretary for the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Rescue League, Inc in GA, also give petfinder and craigslist a try as well. Most rescues do not adopt across the state line due to laws and regulations.
  • Samantha Kim

    Awe he has a best friend thats a Basset hound!!! :D Poh has a best friend that is a west highland terrier! His name is Digory! She is good and has crazy amounts of energy!!!
    Potty training is doing good. She goes outside because we take her outside but I don't think she quite understands the concept yet of if we don't take her outside she needs to go to the door. She just starts whimpering and sniffing around a lot and then I know she probably needs to go!
    When are you moving to Germany, soon yeah?
    Germany will be awesome I'm jealous! Can you take Pi with you?
  • Lee Gordon Capraro

    That's a definite problem. I bought vibrator collars from The surprise of the vibration when they bark, makes them yelp but they stop barking. Now all I have to do is say "No bark" and if needed, just show them the collar.  I have two Pembrokes; that was too much loud barking.  I'm also in Columbus, GA.  Good luck.