Sorry, I put this in the discussion area first, then saw the health question area.

Our 11 year old Corgi seems to have a migrating skin rash on her back. We took her to the vet and she  gave us a special shampoo as well as a skin spray. We are also adding fish oil to her diet.

The dog does not seem to be bothered by it because she is not reaching back trying to get to it and not rolling on her back at all. It is scaly and there are some areas on the edge where the skin meets the bare patch that look red. It cleared up on one side of her back and but has now moved over to the other side. It seems to migrate or creep very slowly from the initial point. Not sure what's going on??

Have not changed her diet ( except recent addition of fish oil to treat it ) or anything else.

Any feedback appreciated.

Thank you, Lola the dog!

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a friend of mine recommended me nu-stock for skin issues, supposedly "natural" but I don't know how natural is it when it contains sulfur. it works very well and very quickly on skin diseases but stink like hell. so maybe give it a try?


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