i am at the end of my rope with my corgi. She is the 4th one I have owned in my life, and i am having a devil of a a time with her.  i am thinking of rehoming her.  She is a yar old, and still is not completely housebroken.  She does ok for a while, but the other night she  peed 3 x and pooped once. She can hold it, but is choosing not to.

i cannot get her to do a proper recall. We have clicker trained her, but once there is no food involved, she totally blows me off.  i hate to resort to a shock collar, but i may have to.


i have never had these issues with my other corgis, and have shown in both breed and obedience, so i know how willful the breed can be.

But boy, she is making me nuts.

any advice?

or does anyone know of a place that i can rehome her to?  I think she needs someone with more time thatn I can give her.



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Is she in a crate at night?

She was, and then she has been out of one for over 2 months, doing fine. untill recently, when she started messing again. so she is back in a crate at night, but now barks incessantly.

Mine barked like that all the time when she was crated until she pulled in one of my husband's dirty shirts one day and stopped. So then we started leaving a shirt in there with her every time and she calmed down considerably. Maybe we got lucky, but it's worth a try. :)

I don't have a lot of good advice except maybe sign her up for another obedience class. I too have had dogs (mostly German Shepherds) all my life but recently ran into a REALLY hard headed young corgi. Even though I've trained dogs for Search and Rescue I could not handle this little devil. I did obedience classes with him and sometimes a different perspective on how to deal with the stubbornness is very helpful. Mine was a rescue, I have no idea his history. After 6 months of training and work he was starting to improve a bit but then started getting more dominant and aggressive with my other male so I made the decision to re-home him. While that is not obviously the first option, sometimes it is the best option With Kirby I had him to a point where I could live with him without constant anger and frustration, but he was so destructive he'd have to be crated while I was gone at work and then getting to the point where he was going to have to be crated at night too bc he was destroying my house while I was sleeping. I knew in my heart I wasn't the right home for him.So I suggest going back to square one with potty training, start all over, go to square one with obedience, work slowly. If you don't have the time, resources, or patience to do this then re-homing will likely be what is best for her because she is still young enough to learn right from wrong in the right home.

Thanks melissa.

Not an easy choice, she was a rescue too, and her owner had started her on those damn piddle pads. I got her at 6 months.

Gouing to muddle thru the holidays and see how things are in January.

Melissa I was thinking about Kirby the other day for some reason, how is he doing at his new home?

How old is she? I notice that she had a previous owner. I know that once a dog has been punished after responding to a recall that it will take a very long time to convince them to recall regularly.Make sure she doesn't have a medical reason for not being able to avoid pottying in the house. She also may have experienced very poor potty training previously so may need extra puppy training methods. Once they lose the natural desire not to soil their area it takes a lot of time and patience to redo this. I would leash her to you inside for a couple weeks so you can stop her when she tries to potty inside and then concentrate on praise when she potties outside. No punishment, just a firm No and take her outside,lots of praise if she goes potty outside. With your experience you can do this :)

Thanks Bev.

She is a year old. I have already tied her to me for two weeks. she was doing ok, but has backslid big time.

Will push thru the holidays, and then i will reassess. Most of her accidents are at night, so she is back in her crate at night for now.

The hustle and changes around the holidays may have put her back.  I would wait to see if she improves after your house has returned to normal, if you can manage.  

For the recall, I would play the recall game with her.   Make it ONLY a game, never call her when you need her.   I explain it about halfway down the first page, here:  http://mycorgi.com/forum/topics/my-corgi-wont-come-when-called

Maybe try switching to a different word, like "here" since she might have bad associations with the word "come" from her first home?

Thanks, Beth. We have already switched from "come" to 'here." We have been thru two obedience courses. Will give the game a go. Our house is not hectic at all during the holidays, we don't even decorate anymore, so that is not an issue.

Whatever you decide, I am sure you will have done your best. Good luck


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