Well, we have reached full-blown stubborn, chewy, crazy adolescence. I am convinced that his cuteness and hilarity will save him, but it doesn't look to be saving much else. :) Rory is 9 months old this week and is quite the chomper, even with good exercise, play time, and mental stimulation (and several cardboard boxes sacrificed), he chews CONSTANTLY on just about anything he can get his teeth around. 

What are some recommendations for chewies out there? I have had good luck with bully sticks, antlers (the ones cut for puppies), and Himalayan chew sticks, but am looking for some more variety. He doesn't seem to notice or care for Nylabones or Kongs, and I am trying to stay away from rawhide. Any recommendations?

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I like elk antlers and they seem to be Becca's favorite too. I tried moose, but they are too heavy and just don't seem to chew as well.

Have you tried stuffing your kong? I smear some peanut butter in Becca's and freeze them. I take them frozen to agility trials for crate time. She also gets the occasionally on work days. The kong Einstein line is fillable as well. Becca chews on them to work out food bits.

Dried fish are another choice. Honest Kitchen has some called Beams. I have to watch Becca with them. If the cat comes to investigate, Becca starts gulping instead of chewing. Polka Dog also has fish skin, theirs is not as thick and chews up quick.

I've wondered about the dried fish skin.  I've only seen it at one store and was leary about trying it.  Does it smell awfully fishy?  Does the chew last very long or is it mostly just a treat? 

The polka dog ones don't smell too bad. They are more of a snack than a chew for Becca, I can snap them into pieces. I take one to agility class occasionally. No one has ever complained. Honest Kitchen Beams are really strong. If Becca doesn't get paranoid they last 10-15 minutes.

There is something interesting on this site somewhere! It was posted this week but it is gone now. For safety reasons I only let Sully have bully sticks. She does chew very gently, VERY gently on toys, nibbles and licks them actually, but she does tend to chew more actively on odd objects that she should not have, such as wires, strings, bottle caps, so I have to keep everything out of her reach. Since bully sticks don't last long and I am on a strict budget, I have tried to find a rubber toy that might give her a safe chewing fix. Aside from the stuffing, Kongs don't interest her as chew toys. We'll have to try the Kong Wubba. The video on this site demonstrated a dog playing with a soft but strong, apparently indestructible chew toy that was shaped like a football. I don't remember which My Corgi member posted it, sorry, but it did look great! It was shaped like a football so it tended to roll in a circle and had the added bonus of not rolling out of reach under the sofa while no one was around to retrieve it. It was so soft it would be very tooth friendly, but strong enough to avoid the possibility of biting off a piece and choking. I thought the post would stay up a few days longer. I was planning to check it out and probably order one. I like that it was strong, but chewable. I think it had a squeaker as well. Seems like it would really hold corgi interest.

I saw the post too. I remember it was made by Kong. I think it was called The Kong Football

Thanks. That's it, the Kong Jumbler Football Toy. The post is visible again. It looks great!

Thanks y'all. I am definitely going to check out that football after next payday! Rory would love that! (Maybe not to chew on excessively, but definitely to play fetch)
One thing that I have newly discovered is beef scapula- basically a nicely sized piece of shoulder cartilage. I picked up 2 today at our independent pet store for around $3 total. At first I was worried because I heard cracking noises as Rory chewed, but it doesn't appear to be splintering or "disappearing" at an astonishing rate. :)

I did have to sacrifice an inexpensive wicker basket this weekend. Sigh. I'll replace it when he is less compulsive. Better that than the carpet, I guess! (Which he also loves shredding...)

We have a carpet fetish here too. Jeli likes to swipe the side her face along the carpet while she is snapping like an alligator. I think she is trying to catch the carpet loops in her teeth so she can have a gay 'ol time making it run. She has made a nice big bare spot in the living room rug that way. Luckily I could just shift the coffee table over a wee bit to cover it up. Dang. I really liked that rug too!

Ugh, the carpet fetish is the worst. As awful as that probably is- Jeli sounds super cute!

Rory LOVES unraveling the carpet too! I have already kissed my apartment security deposit goodbye. I can fix the chewed woodwork spots and the places where he has nibbled on the kitchen cabinet, but I can't convincingly fix the carpet. :P He is proud of his handiwork. 

I thought Sully was unique in the carpet chewing thing. She somehow pulls out bits of string or thread from an ugly, low fiber, industrial carpet and nibbles on it when I am out. Drives my nuts as a renter. i also worry that she may choke, but my worries seem unfounded so far.


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