My Cheyenne and Rex are not doing very well in this heat and humidity. We wait until almost dark to throw the Frisbee. How do you help your Corgis stay cool?

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My Fluffy corgi doesn't go outside except to do his business. We don't do any type of exercise until after sunset. Then we play in the yard or if the pavement isn't too hot go for walks. If your corgi likes water you could get a childs hard plastic swimming pool and fill it with water under a shade tree. My previous dogs loved this, but little Mister Ci (key) doesn't like to be wet. He prefers laying on an air vent inside. :-)
We also have to wait until we go out until after dark. It seems our walks keep getting later and later.

We bought a kiddie pool at Kmart so we could give the pup a dip (she really likes going to the local duck pond and swimming). We're also planning some lake trips, for adventure and the water.

She has currently found the best spot in the house, which is the cool tiles in our bathroom next to the AC. I can't wait for fall so we can have walkable weather in the day time.
So far she is leery of the pool, and Rex tends to chew it up. We do have a sprinkler system, and I may just turn it on in the back yard for them to play in. The wet T-shirt idea might be a good idea. Cheyenne has found the air vent right by the kitchen door, and Rex claims the one in the kitchen. They used to drink from their water bowl outside after playtime, but now they just want IN!!
Make sure they have a lot of water to drink! Hank will only play fetch for a few minutes at a time right now, and we walk him after dark.
Pancake is a fluffy corgi and she has her own kiddie swimming pool that I bought at WalMart. She also loves playing in the sprinkler, so I turn that on for her during the day for a few hours (and it waters the yard!) Other than that, I bought a chilly bone (you can get 'em at Petsmart) and put that in the freezer and let her chew on that. She also has a K-9 cool hat and a wet bandana that get wet and freeze to put around her neck before we got out to walk. I used to live in OK and I now live in AZ, but all of these worked in OK as well as now in AZ.
Thanks for the info on the K-9 cool hat and wet bandana. My corgis chew on ice cubes. I am going to get them a pool for the summer. I just hope Rex doesn't chew it up!

You can even have their pads and underside shaved. It keeps the clippers away from that dense undercoat (which can be crazy ridiculous to get to grow back), but helps keep them a bit cooler. My corgi loves to splay out on a nice cool floor after having his tummy shaved =]


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