Started this discussion. Last reply by Lois B. Allen Apr 16, 2015. 6 Replies 5 Likes
This isn't a Corgi Joke but it's too funny not to post. So one of my neighbors has a 2 year old female border collie named “Mindy”, whom becomes quite excited when she sees Wally. She’s a…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Denis J. Mar 17, 2014. 14 Replies 0 Likes
Good day everyone,Just wanted to get a bit of feedback if this is normal, which I think it is. Everytime we're on walks or just to bring Wally outside, he is usually well mannered towards other…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Chris Payerl May 18, 2014. 11 Replies 0 Likes
Ok so here it is.Since Wally has been a new pup in our home my wife and I have been having an argument about what he smells like. Sure he does occasionally smells like a wet dog but I'm focusing…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Linda Oct 25, 2013. 1 Reply 0 Likes Good day everyone, Just wanted to…Continue
Denis J. has not received any gifts yet
Posted on August 5, 2014 at 7:30am 4 Comments 3 Likes
I've posted over 60 videos of Wally, motorbiking, sky diving, plane flying, etc. but none became viral.
The reason I do those videos is mostly for a virtual album and for my mother who's in a home and does not have any computer skill. Therefore, bringing her a burnt DVD with the videos when I visit is a way to put a smile on her face. Plus, in order to create a viral you can't have any copyright material so therefore the music from the web that makes such an impact on clips,…
ContinuePosted on June 8, 2014 at 5:00am 12 Comments 0 Likes
Although this is not about Corgis, it's something I want to share with everyone.
The reason I was able to walk Wally during the time the city was closed shows the amount of trust we have towards our brothers and sisters who everyday put their lives on the line to make the cities the way we know them. They have families of their own and even though the ultimate sacrifice is something possible, it's a event no one hopes for.
Although, in some of us, it is something they dwell…
ContinuePosted on April 16, 2014 at 9:00am 5 Comments 1 Like
I'm not one to blog but this is too funny not to tell.
So it's the Sugar Shacks Seasons in our area so my wife and I were invited this past weekend to attend a maple sap boil and maple creation for kids. They have their makeshift boiler in the back of their home with over 110 trees tapped to gather the sweet product.
The day is perfect, blue skies, warm weather, the snow is wet and soft but packed enough to walk on parts of the property. I bring Wally with…
ContinuePosted on January 14, 2014 at 8:06am 9 Comments 0 Likes
Wally has been sick after the holidays after eating a ham bone (knee part). This was the first time and we though he would enjoy the gift from grandma but turns out it didn't agree with him. He had it cooked and frozen but after eating the knee part he threw up about 8 hours later which was followed by heavy diarhea for the following night, and less in the following 2 days +.
Boiled ground beef and rice for those 2 days and he's been doing well. Having some frozen green beans…
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Denis, Wally seems such a wonderful, precious little fellow and so pretty. Does he have slightly long hair? I've had 2 fluffy pems but am less familiar with fluffy or longer haired cardis. I hope you and your family and Wally continue to have a good life together.
Thank You for your kind words regarding Lance. We will get through this over time and its nice to have such a great support on this site, again, thank you.
Welcome Denis and Wally!