How I wish this blog is still active as I need advice raising him

I have been suffering from anxiety attack way before I got latte and has always been an overthinker, right now unsurprisingly, I am worried and overthinkng (hopefully) that my latte doesnt love me. Simply because he growls and barks when I lay him on his back on my leg on the floor, it broke my heart because I felt that it was an aggression (is it?) he is usually okay when I flip him while holding him up in the air. Am I overthinking this? Should I keep doing it to get him used to it with a stern no when he growls? I feel so childish worrying about this but I waited so long to have him and I really expected the unconditional love dog gives to human. Am I being selfish?

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Comment by Anna Morelli on February 27, 2019 at 2:58pm

Glad you're both doing well. I'm rarely here now, but there is a lot of good info accumulated over the years on the site and still available. Thanks for the update.

Comment by Natsuhi Shirosaki on February 27, 2019 at 10:16am

Oh btw attaching a grown up latte here

Comment by Natsuhi Shirosaki on February 27, 2019 at 10:12am

Hi all, latte is almost one year old and he is doing terrific! Lol! Now that I look back I was totally acting like a panicky first time mom haha. Thank u everyone for the advice, despite latte being my first dog (I grow up eith digs but they were my parents), evryone say that I have been doing an excellent job at it! He is very well behaved, calm, obedient despite some shenanigans.  However the credit should go to this website. I call this website the corgi bibble. Thank you to the person who made this site and to everyone who contributed. It has been 5 years since I stumbled here & I still come back here often to find informations :)

Comment by Natsuhi Shirosaki on June 25, 2018 at 9:34pm

There is sooo many advice and different way of training it gets every confusing. each style insists theirs are the best @_@ I just pick what work best for me

Comment by Anna Morelli on June 17, 2018 at 10:14pm

Well said Beth! There's a lot of poor training advice out there...

Comment by Beth on June 17, 2018 at 9:08pm

A naturally cuddly and submissive puppy will tolerate being flipped (it is one of the things they test in puppy-selection processes) but a bolder puppy won't like it at all.    Jack would hate if I flipped him over, and he is 11 and fabulous.   I agree with Anna, don't force this on him and ignore any training advice that says you should. 

Comment by Anna Morelli on June 15, 2018 at 12:02pm

He's cute! Go easy with him and you'll both be fine.

Comment by Natsuhi Shirosaki on June 14, 2018 at 11:24pm

yeah I was following the socialization checklist, one of them was flipping him (not 360 degree) but now he lays on his stomach much more.  I guess I was rushing him too much, he enjoys it now

Comment by Anna Morelli on June 14, 2018 at 10:32pm

I don' t see the need for you to "flip him" on his back.  Dogs voluntarily go belly up to show submission, forcing him in this position is counterproductive.  He growled because he was scared. Be gentle with him, pet him when he is lying on his side, he may trust you and show his belly to be petted, but I wouls not force it.

When you say you flip him in the air, I am totally puzzled... He is not a toy, keep him on the floor, where he will feel more secure.  If he growls, ask yourself what is it you are doing to make him feel threatened.  He is just a puppy, teach him to trust you by being gentle and predictable in ways he can understand.

Comment by Natsuhi Shirosaki on June 7, 2018 at 12:06am

yeah he will voluntarily rolls on his back, I guess since it has only been 10 days I dont really understand what he means sometimes. I do notice hes pretty vocal, he will growl or bark to whine, I just need to be able to tell the difference.

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