judge a dog body language/..by the way it moves..BUT MY CORGI HAS NO TAILLLLL

One of the reason I love a corgi are their cute little nubs...until when I got him and is reading through articles how to decipher dog body language...... the best way is through their tail..


A lot of those articles, 50% of it rely on tail movement. kinda feeling lost right there lol

I know I have only been with him a little over a week, but it felt way longer than that, I guess the more u get to know him you will be able to tell even without the tail?

 ps: this is why I love and need this forum, corgi is such a unique breed, and there are a lot of breed specific questions that can be discussed

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Comment by Alison Prasavath on June 5, 2018 at 11:09pm

They do have nubs though and will shake them! Once you're together longer,  you'll be able to read him.  You'll develop a connection.  I'm still learning how to read Harry and he has a tail.  I know Noodles as I can read his nub and also the way he raises/puffs out his jowls. 

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