Jason Fleming's Comments

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At 6:02pm on July 25, 2012, LA Stewart said…

The Illinois Corgi Picnic date is set!

October 14, 2012

See all the details on the main page in the Events column. It is also listed in the discussion forum of the Illinois Corgis page.

Hope to see your Corgis!


At 7:58am on May 7, 2012, LA Stewart said…

So, are you coming to CORGI-CON?

There is less than 2 weeks now.

I thought for sure I could count on you attending.  Urbana is only about an hour for you.  You drove much farther to Freeport.  Let me know.


At 7:53am on March 30, 2012, LA Stewart said…
Check out CORGI-CON!
It is a Corgi Meetup in Central Illinois.
Urbana, Illinois is not too far from you.
Come join the Corgi Convention!
You can find information on the list of "EVENTS" on the MyCorgi main page or on the Illinois page "Discussion Forum."
At 10:27pm on March 26, 2012, LA Stewart said…

I have started planning a Corgi get together (no picnic) in Urbana.  Just got the OK from the park district today.  I wanted to know if you were still on MyCorgi and if you have collected any names of Corgi people in your area.

Keep May 19th open!


At 4:24pm on September 14, 2011, LA Stewart said…

I wrote the woman from the Normal Park Distrct.  She said there is no park at Ironwood.  Read below....



There WAS one planned to be in Ironwood Park. However, the Ironwood Neighborhood Assn. voted against it. The only Dog Park that presently exists that the Town of Normal maintains is the one in Maxwell Park. Next spring, an additional dog park will be completed and ready for use in Shepherd Park on Hershey and Shepherd Rd. Hope this helps clear up any confusion.


So, we could not count on a new one being finished in time.  So it is Maxwell Park or nothing for now.  I plan to check out the urbana one again, but that adds mor driving time for most people.  B/N is more centrally located.


At 8:21pm on September 11, 2011, Chris and Andrew said…
It was nice meeting you guys. Penni and Joey are so adorable. Hope to see them again :)
At 11:24pm on September 6, 2011, LA Stewart said…

By the way, I contacted the Normal dog park online.  The woman from the park district is named Karen Carrigan.  She said that the park has no picnic tables.  However, she said that it was OK if we brought our own EZ-Ups, tables, chairs, whatever. 

I may have to check it out one day.

First, I am just trying to get ready for Sunday and then I going to a wedding the next weekind in the Chicago burbs.  Perhaps my husband and I will take the dogs there one day for a romp.

At 12:35pm on August 22, 2011, Reeses & Rosalie (Owner: Jes) said…
Welcome Jason, Joey and Penni!


At 2:56pm on August 21, 2011, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…

the picture of the day is now working...great picture, love it!!! :)


At 3:56am on August 21, 2011, Geri & Sidney said…
Welcome Jason, Joey and Penni!
At 6:59pm on August 20, 2011, Bradly and Jenny Boesen said…
I was wondering where you got those beautiful corgis?  We got ours in Mt. Vernon down-state.
At 4:38pm on August 20, 2011, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…
hopefully its just a glitch today, and soon will be able to see the pic!  The pictures are usually up for a week, if I am not mistaken. 
At 2:21pm on August 20, 2011, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…

Congrats on picture of the day!! :)


At 1:19pm on August 20, 2011, LA Stewart said…

Start collecting names! 

Maybe we can plan a CENTRAL Illinois Picnic sometime.  (The spring?) 

There are a few Corgi people I know in Chamapaign and there are a couple MyCorgi people in Danville.

Does B/N have a decent dog park?  Can they do one day passes?  Do some recearch when you have time.

Champaign's dog park is not great.  It is basically a grass patch.  They recently added trees, so there is no shade.  Also. it is next to the sewage treatment plant.  On a windy day....phew!  The smell is not always the dog poop.  Not exactly where you want to sit down and eat lunch.

Urbana has a dog park as well.  We never go to that one.  That is because there are almost never any dogs there.  That might be good if we were planning a picnic however.  They used to have a drop box where people could put money in to enter just for the day.  I am not sure it is still there since it has been over a year since we went by there.  I just asked my husband and neither of us remember if there are picnic tables there or not.  There are some trees for shade.

Also, there was once a dog stolen at the Urbana dog park.  A van pulled up, 2 or 3 guys jumped out, grabbed this ladies dog, and drove off.  It was an isolated incident, but we have avoided that place.  The dog was a pit bull and most think that they stole it as a bait dog for their fighting dogs.  Gross.  I met friends of this woman and they sait her dog was sweet, so it was probably killed by the other dogs.  *sigh*

At 11:49am on August 20, 2011, LA Stewart said…

I never notice these friend invites and such.  Was it sitting there a long time?

This is my first blog.  So sometimes I mess up and am not sure what I am doing.  I joined MyCorgi after I attended the Wisconsin Corgi Picnic on July 23.  That was a BLAST! I thought I would just join the MyCorgi to share my pictures from the picnic and  then stop using the site.  (Check out the Cheesehead group and look for the video of their picnic.  It will give you an idea what ours should look like.) Then I thought let's check out the Illinois Corgis and see if we can get a picnic going there too. 

My husband and I live in Champaign, IL.  Have you checked out my page to see the pictures of our 2 Corgis?

See you in about 3 weeks!

At 9:22am on August 20, 2011, Tami Martinez said…
A big hello and welcome from me and "the boys".
At 9:13am on August 20, 2011, WhiteDove said…
At 2:21am on August 20, 2011, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…
Hello and Welcome!! Thanks for the friend add.  :)  Love the profile pic.

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