Sidney and Angie's Comments

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At 1:31pm on February 8, 2013, suzanne lester said…

thanks for being my friend - as soon as my mom figures out the computer I'm hoping to post pictures and let the world know what a fashionesta I am (one of my bucket list items is to do an internship with Randy Finoli on Yes to the Dress) - 

At 10:21am on February 8, 2013, Rachelle N said…
Go, Angie go! Best of luck in your agility classes.
At 2:08pm on October 19, 2012, N a t h a n & L u f f y said…

HEyy!  I like all types of games haha... Anything ranging from rpgs to first person shooters. I'm currently trying to decide if i should get the dishonored game

At 1:08am on October 10, 2012, Kim Roberts said…

hey there! Miss Molli Mae comes home this Saturday! So excited :)

At 8:56pm on October 9, 2012, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…
Yes I have. If you have further questions best to email me directly at to respond
At 5:42pm on October 9, 2012, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

Thank you!!

At 5:03am on September 12, 2012, Rachelle N said…

Sidney and Angie are two cuties! Love the computer photo with Angie wearing spectacles! 

At 11:10pm on September 9, 2012, Snickmom said…

looks like the picture was lost!

At 11:09pm on September 09, 2012, Snickmom gave Sidney and Angie a gift
At 9:02am on September 9, 2012, Cindy Easton Rhodes said…

Thanks very much for the kind words!

At 7:05am on August 24, 2012, Snickmom said…

I noticed your wet dog food give away, unfortunately we don't feed canned food, and if you are shipping actual cans, that's going to be expensive. I'll leave that prize for someone who needs it. Are you back to school yet? My younger son just started his first college classes this week.

At 2:48pm on August 21, 2012, Becky Glass said…

Sidney and Angie:  Thanks for the welcoming!  We had Samantha groomed last week on Thursday and she had to get shaved right where the raw place is.  It wasn't raw before getting shaved but was afterwards and on both sides, it was shaved due to her matted hair in those spots.  So I was thinking that it's a left over area still not healed from getting shaved.  I will keep a close watch on it.

At 7:46am on August 21, 2012, Becky Glass said…

Thank you for the welcoming!  and kind comments!

At 2:30pm on August 19, 2012, Snickmom said…

Sidney and Angie: Just opened our gift certificate and ordered a valentine's day collar with Dolly's name on it. Love the corgi stamp you put on the envelope! I'll post a picture when she gets it. Thanks again.

At 2:18pm on August 19, 2012, Zigward & Kimberly said…

Thanks for the birthday wish:P

I actually wasn't listed on the birthday's today list, so going on my page is the only way that you could have known it was my birthday haha.

How did the contest go? Did you win? Or is it still going on?

At 7:53pm on August 18, 2012, Rachel Givens said…

Thanks for your post and the welcome :)  We lived in Puyallup, WA from 2004-2009.  Murphy and Molly loved that WAccool weather!

At 10:57pm on August 14, 2012, Elizabeth and Eevee said…

Thanks for the welcome! I hope I get her soon too. Yay for winter corgis! Your corg Angie seems pretty cute.

At 1:49pm on August 12, 2012, Sandy Bond said…

Thank you for your post.  Aren't Corgis just wonderful!!!! I am still figuring out how to maneuver on this site so hope you get this.


Sandy, Gracie, & Winston

At 1:24pm on June 18, 2012, Ayra Tannich said…

Oh no! That's good that you switched it! Jake can walk off leash most of the time! Sometimes he will run off and play games! Hahah :) 

At 1:11pm on June 18, 2012, Ayra Tannich said…

Jake is doing really good:) He's getting into his "terrible twos" stage :/ How is Angie? 

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