Sarah, Sadie & Dexter's Comments

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At 5:53pm on October 13, 2013, Jenna, Seth & Reginald the Corgi said…

Hi guys! How would you feel about another Sacramento meet-up next Saturday or Sunday at Bear Dog Park in Roseville around 9:30am?? There was a very small one there yesterday that wasn't very publicized and I just checked out the park today and they have nice grass. It would be nice to get together maybe every 3rd Saturday or Sunday of the month!

At 5:13pm on January 7, 2011, Jackie Bousquet said…

Hi Sarah,


How nice to hear from you! I viewed your profile of Sadie - very cute! I totally remember you, Sadie and the rest of your family. I hope Chris' aunt is doing well. If she finds that she is ready to get a Corgi of her own, you should have her call me. I have a litter due the first week of March. Corgi life needless to say is rather crazy and chaotic, which keeps me PLENTY busy. In fact I should be getting my dogs ready for an international dog show in Santa Rosa tomorrow, but I wanted to at least get back to you. Anytime to want to talk Corgis, by all means e-mail me or give me a call. All the best to you and Sadie!




At 5:14pm on December 28, 2010, Kristin, Honey, and Hooch said…
Oh my gosh, your Sadie does look a lot like Hooch with more white! How cute is that! And you're not that far away, either--maybe we should get the two together sometime to play and take pictures. :) I added you back as a friend!
At 1:22pm on November 2, 2009, Corgibyassociation said…
I love Sadie's costume!
At 3:17pm on September 5, 2009, noel lutchkus said…

At 8:51pm on September 3, 2009, Joanne Koppenaal said…
Hi Sarah & Sadie, a holler out to the itty bitty's. I feed Blue Buffalo and it is worth every penny. They look like copper pennys shining in the sun!
At 10:28am on August 26, 2009, Brandy Coleson said…
your sadie is so adorable!
At 7:00pm on August 14, 2009, Melanie Stage said…
my site said you left a comment for me but I can not find it? Help melanie
At 4:57pm on July 22, 2009, christy fry said…
Hi Sara, I love the white streaks to!Teagens used to take up half her head but keeps getting smaller as she grows I'm afraid she's gonna grow right out of it. If you hop over to my page I have pics. of her sire and dam, its just like mavericks. I tried just to attach the pic here but it would come up as a string of gobbly gook not a pic??
At 1:09am on July 17, 2009, Chloe's parent Liz said…
so cute! I am usually at Morse park early evening on Friday.
At 8:27pm on July 7, 2009, Christina, Clytie & Kyler said…
Sadie is so cute. She looks like our Clytie when she was a puppy :)
At 7:27pm on July 4, 2009, Jenny and Kilgore said…
Sadie is adorable!!! Our little guy is just starting socialization, we have a sable little guy!
At 2:30pm on June 17, 2009, Joey and Karlyn said…
Sadie is too cute. When Sammy gets a bit older I want a tri-color.
At 11:09pm on June 7, 2009, Kim Kochis said…
Congratulations on your new puppy & love of your life! Sadie is absolutely adorable. Glad you are on BB dog food, Bruce is on the fish & sweet potato and doing super! All the best, Kim & Bruce
At 8:16pm on June 4, 2009, Bob Bedard said…
Sadie is beautiful! She and Barkley are close in age although Sadie is about a couple weeks older. Barkley was born Feb 7.
At 4:46pm on June 3, 2009, Jean Hall said…
Your cutie Sadie and my Finnegan share the same birthday! Last vet check at 17 weeks, he weighed 12 lbs.
At 9:46pm on May 31, 2009, JanRich said…
Sadie is sooo cute! Aren't tris the best1!?!?
At 9:29am on May 15, 2009, Melissa Bee said…
Hi! I'm glad you liked the video. My very first corgi, cardi Mr. Tigger, had a similar trick. I put the cookie on his nose and he would toss it up to catch it, instead of dropping it. Skeezix needs something new to learn--or he'll find something to do that he shouldn't--so I think I'll start him learning this trick. We all say HI to you.
At 1:59am on May 14, 2009, Chelsea Mae said…
thanks so much!
At 12:18am on May 11, 2009, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…
Well, Im going to log off of chat now, hope to chat again sometime. Bye

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