The Chipmunk's Mom

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am owned by two little corgi boys who I love dearly.
About My Corgi(s):
Chip is 1 1/2 years old. Has had obedience class and now has his CGC. Dale just completed basic obedience. The two get along wonderfully together and are the best of pals. They are full brothers - born almost a year apart.

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Chipmunk's Mom! They're both very cute :) I used to attend college in Chattanooga! I really missed the terrain up there. now i'm in FL, the highest point is the speedbump :( Invite your corgi friends to join us!
  • Silvia Li

    Welcome aboard Chipmunk's Mom! Happy to have you here!
  • Carolyn

    Hi, welcome to the page. I just joined myself. When I saw your corgi brothers, I had to comment because they look so much like my 2 new corgi friends, Gynx and Cinni. My two corgi girls and about the same ages and are sisters. I got them from a St. Louis rescue. I hope you are having as much fun with them as I am having.