Ju Lo

Profile Information:

About Me:
Lifetime animal lover, first time dog owner. I have quickly become a Corgi lover!
About My Corgi(s):
February I brought home my first dog, Theodore, a 9 week old PWC. He is such a dream and such a little terror! Hehe. He loves to play with his toys, herd his people, and jump up on anything that makes him feel taller!

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Ju Lo! I readlly enjoyed reading your blog, feel free to use the rss on this page to stream! Tell all your corgi friends about us!
  • Silvia Li

    Welcome aboard Ju Lo! Enjoy your stay!
  • Ju Lo

    Thanks! Great to be here! I'm sure this will be a great resource when I actually...finally...get my puppy. :)
  • Ivy & Bryson

    Good to see you here! Can't wait till you welcome your little one home! :)
  • Lynn

    We're in the same boat! Hopefully my Corgi pup will be coming around late January... I will be counting the HOURS with you!
  • Ivy & Bryson

    Totally agree on the need of a corgi-specific clothing line! :D I also saw someone wore a "Got Corgi" T-shirt the other day! Gotta have one of those, think she said she got it on ebay...
  • Ivy & Bryson

    Cool! Let us know :)
  • Ivy & Bryson

    Wow, this site is awesome! Thanks for passing that along! I'll have to set aside an hour or so, and pour myself a cup of coffee to go through them all... :D
  • Ivy & Bryson

    We'll probably get the "corgimobile" license plate holder and some apparel. I like the one the corgi passes out on a couch next to some spilled milk and a half-empty bowl of popcorn. Too funny!!! Thanks again for letting us know! Will post pix for sure :)
  • Ivy & Bryson

    Thanks for the vote! :) Bryson and Picasso appreciate your support! I guess we wouldn't be too disappointed if we do end up being second to Robin Hood, that is a super adorable outfit, in fact I voted for them too on my work computer :)

    P.S. Like our corgimobile plate holder? :D Thx again for recommending cafe press to us!!
  • Ivy & Bryson

    Thanks! Bryson and Picasso are excited about winning the costume contest! We're hoping Silvia can make a donation to our local SPCA (instead of the gift card), I'm sure they can use help during the holidays, and Bryson's got enough "stuff" as is.
  • Lynn

    Hi Julo! The puppies have been born, and they look so cute. There's a photo of them up on the website. I've been talking to the breeder, and we discussed doggie day care and getting 2 corgis so they can keep each other company. I think that going to corgi events and meeting her in person has helped show her that I have thought long and hard about being a corgi owner. Still, I'll be on edge until I get something that says "We have the perfect corgi for you!" :) How are your puppies? Any news yet? Do you know the due date?
  • Lynn

    Sometimes the internet browsers open up a cached page, I'm glad you were able to see it! Usually refreshing the page will fix that problem. I keep hitting refresh hoping that new photos will show up!! I won't be getting two dogs from the same litter, although I met a couple of her puppies from the last litter a month ago, and they seemed to be fine together. We just discussed the possibility of two dogs. Ideally I would get one puppy, and then a year (or so) later, add another dog, either from rescue or a retired show dog.
  • Lynn

    I saw the new puppy photos yesterday and was running around because they're so cute. I haven't picked any favorites because the breeder still needs to evaluate for show quality vs pet quality, and I don't want to get too attached before then. I'm guessing she'll do that somewhere around 8 weeks, so I have 6 more weeks of loving every puppy!
  • Lynn

    I'd prefer a girl pup, just because that's what I have had in the past. I wouldn't mind a boy pup though, because I plan on getting two dogs eventually! What about you? Girl or boy pup?
  • Lynn

    Well let me tell you, my Samoyed (female, spayed) liked to hump peoples legs, so I guess it's no guarantee that if you get a female that there is no humping going on. Do you know if your puppy mama has the tricolor gene? I think i remember you mentioning that you were hoping for a tri-color...
  • Lynn

    Oh I'd love to see the puppy daddy! Do you have a photo of him? I keep looking at the photo of your puppy mama and she keeps getting cuter. I guess that's what happens with corgis :)
  • Lynn

    Ok, he is ADORABLE!!! I'll be waiting for the blog post!