
, Female

Independence, Missouri

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a grandma who works as nurse manager in a large railway company. I have wanted a dog in general for awhile, and now have settled on the Corgi as my choice.
About My Corgi(s):
December 27, 2007 bought a 5 1/2 month old red and white Pembroke weighing in at 24 pounds. Sweet natured and attentive. Will do anything for a treat. His breeder calls him "Clay". Will ponder the name for a bit.

Comment Wall:

  • Cindi

    Hi and welcome. Hope we can help you decide on whether a corgi is a good companion for you!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome NatalieJJ! Hope you find your corgi soon :)
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Natalie. . .I don't think you'll have trouble finding the right Corgi for you. . .I fell in love the first time I saw each of my Corgi's. . .it's that look about them that caught my heart. . . .
  • WhiteDove

    Thank you Natalie. . .I know you won't be disappointed. . .I've had pets all my life (ALL KINDS) but I've never had such devoted, loving and happy dogs as Corgis. . . .they truly are amazing. . . .they're getting ready for their morning walk (they really enjoy it, even though they have an acre of land to run and roam around in). . .I guess to them, it's not the same as talking that early morning walk. . .LOL
  • JoAnne

    Hi NatalieJJ, you're in for a great surprise! not until you experience the devotion of a corgi can you know the depth of their love and hard work. It'll be their job to take care of you and they do this well.It's like having clowns in the house! I work mine pretty hard to keep them in good physical condition and they're very socialized.They're little lovers for sure.I can't wait til I hear your stories.My middle one Scout was given to me by a women who thought they were too much work! She was so tired by the time I met her that when I said I loved her dog she asked if I wanted her. I thought it was a joke.It wasn't, that woman now has a cat and I am blessed with the "cuddler".Scout is a Pembroke and my first ,Frankie is a Cardigan, so very different these dogs are.I think Cardigans are more serious....I think Pembrokes are more like royalty.Must have something to do with the have a good Christmas, xoj
  • Cindi

    HI! Thanks for the add! Have you considered a rescue corgi??? Most of ours are and, even though you have to work through some behavior issues, they're wonderful additions to the family.
  • NatalieJJ

    Hello! . Since I started looking for corgis, I have not seen any rescue animals offered in my area. It must be very rewarding to see an animal respond to TLC. I do work, and will depend on family to help with daily routine. Don't know if my confidence level with a rescue is up there, although my son has had good success with his rescue bull terrior. Thanks for writing, will keep you posted on my adoption!
  • Netje

    Hello, thank you for your kind comment on my page :)
    You will find the perfect friend and companion in a Corgi!
    Megan is two years old now, but she still suprises us every day with her character and intelligence and how energetic and kind and loving she is. Corgis are not just ordinary dogs, they are so special!
    I hope you will find your Corgi soon, and share your stories with us!
  • NatalieJJ

    Well, I am sitting here with my Pembroke Corgi, 5 1/2 months, red and white and is absolutely perfect. I drove 3 hours today (in advance of snow storm) and visited with GK Garvin, breeder/judge of both Cardigans and Pembroke. She had three littermates that were gorgeous, one rambunctious, one very mellow, and one bright, beautiful male she calls "Clay". He was my pick. It was a tiring drive home and not without the moments of howling in the car. When we got home, there was an immediate accident to clean up, a quick trip to the pet supply store for a new crate, because the mesh/nylon one was definitely not going to work. I was exhausted and immediately thought I had done the most insane thing of my life. After taking some deep breaths, and just sitting in the floor with him, and a couple of walks outside, he is resting in his crate. As long as he can see me, he is fine. We have explored the house, met the family. Now it remains to be seen if I get any sleep tonight. I am definitely on a new adventure. Pictures soon.
  • Natalie

    Thank you.