Brian Davis

, Male

Profile Information:

Portland, Oregon
About Me:
About My Corgi(s):
I brought home my Pembroke puppy Brynn at 8 weeks old , now she is 13 weeks and growing up fast . Brynn is very smart and learning quick . I have never had a dog before so it's all new to me. I do have 2 cats who are still adjusting to the new baby in the family .

Comment Wall:

  • Mandy and Lori

    Brynn is a pretty girl!! Congratulations and enjoy her!! I just got my Pembroke in June, she is 7 months old now and I love her to pieces. Welcome to My Corgi!!
  • Cindi

    Hi Brian! Brynn is so CUTE! You're just getting started in the wonderful world that is CORGI.
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Brian,
    Welcome to the crazy world of corgi owners!! Brynn is adorable!
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! Brynn is absolutely adorable! Don't corgis look so cute when they're sleeping?! I love the little red outfit. :-)
  • Caroline

    Brynn is a sweet looking Corgi! Corgis are the best, so you started with a winning breed! Welcome!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Brian and Brynn!
  • colleen

  • Corgi Mom

    You're quite welcome. Our Maddie is going to be a small pemi because at 10-months she's only 18-lbs. As for helpful hints....hmmmm. We kennel Moira, Maddie, Ayla & Ranec whenever we leave or go to sleep. Because of the corgi herding instinct we keep the cats and dogs separated.

    With only one dog and two cats you probably won't need to do that. I'm not sure how it is we do it with all our little ones but we manage somehow. It does help that I'm a vet assistant and Moonmystic is a Pet Trainer.

    As soon as you can take Brynn to puppy class you should enroll her. It will help to teach her basic manners and more. She will be more well behaved, well mannered and disciplined. And depending her temperament she may even be able to get certified as AKC Canine Good Citizen and/or certified as a Therapy Dog. Tank was certified back in February of 2007. He loves it. :-)
  • Mandy and Lori

    Happy New Year 2008 Brian and Brynn!! Have a wonderful year!! ((BIG HUGS))!!
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Brian, Happy New Year to you and Brynn! Here's to a long life together!! Carol
  • deelee lew

    Hi Brian, I shoot with a Canon xti, and in most of the shots of kiyo on here and my flickr, I used a f4 70-200L IS USM canon lens.. but I also use a 17-40L IS USM canon as well when we're out and about. Thanks for your comment!
  • Avyon

    Hi :) your little girl is so cute!

    Roxi is around 27lbs now and will hopefully stay around that weight hehe its the ideal for a female corgi but as you probably have read everyone's size is different :)
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Brian,
    Just wanted to let you know I appreciate your input , and thoughtful answers in the discussions. Brynn couldn't ask for a more concerned owner. Isn't it funny how quickly a "cat" person can become a "cat and dog" person!
  • Charlie

    Hi Brian,

    Thank you! Charlie is a happy boy, very playful with quite a sense of humor. Looks like you found a total sweetie with Brynn, too. :) She apparently has a wonderful doggie-daddy.
  • Carol Braitman

    Brynn is so cute. My dogs love the snow also. She reminds me of Charlotte, she always looked like a baby bunny. Does she like to ride in the car? Augie is good, but it makes Char very nervous. Thanks for the comments about Mr. O. He is such a hoot, big and soft.
  • Kevin Luke

    Thanks for the welcome Brian. You're the first to comment on my page :) Nice to meet you.
  • Carol Braitman

    What's the next outting for Brynn? She looks like she is having so much fun!
  • Carol Braitman

    OMG, The idea of taking the cats on a field trip cracks me up!!! When we moved down here, we were stuck in a traffic jam, and Roy convinced me to let him out of the carrier. What a mistake! How much fun is it to try to stuff a16lb clawed cat back in...dogs are so much more cooperative. My honeys are at my feet. We just came back from our night walk. It's 63 degrees here.
  • Carol Braitman

    I was reading some of the food comments. Just thought I'd let you know. I have switched the dogs from IAMS to Blue Buffalo. You may want to check it out. They only use chicken meat, no organs, or meal, corn or wheat. It was started by the guy who does the SoBe drinks. I am trying to get some weight off Augie, and so far, like it. So so the dogs.
  • Charlie

    I just picked up Charlie's first bag of Canidae to make the switch. It was less expensive than I was expecting, so that was bonus #1. I don't mind paying more, but a value on a premium food is nothing to argue over. I gave Charlie a small handfull and he seems to like the taste. That was bonus #2. Hopefully it will agree with his system. :)

    Loved seeing the pictures of your kitties!
  • Charlie

    Well, I'm an idiot. LOL I just realized this morning that I bought Canidae Lamb & Rice, instead of the Chicken/Rice Canidae formula. It's got a lot less protein than I wanted, but Chalie seems to like it and the 5 lb bag won't last a month. After all that research, I buy the wrong food...sigh.

    I'm taking Charlie to a Small Dog Meetup tomorrow and will try to remember my camera. Then I'll post a few, along with some of his earlier "baby" pictures.
  • Charlie

    I went back to the Canidae website. They have "All Life Stages" - the one I meant to buy, "Chicken/Rice All Life Stages", "Lamb/Rice All Life Stages". Three different formulas - the bags all look too much alike. LOL

    My other forum ( is finally back up today after getting taken out by a malicious hacker. Lots of Charlie photos there. I will be taking my camera today though, and post some pics here too! :)

    Hope you are all enjoying the weekend!
  • Charlie

    Thank you for the nice comments on the photos! Charlie is a better model than I am a photographer. LOL

    The kitties are Einstein (13 years), and brothers Cosine and Tangent (4.5 years). Tangent is the "No Fear", dog-trapped-in-a-cat's-body kitty in the photo. The other two kitties still think Charlie should be given a lot of space. :)

    What's a fizzle? The "thing" in the corner of the Charlie sleeping photo is a puppy Nylabone...with the nub chewed completely off.
  • Charlie

    Oh! I call them "bully sticks" and buy a braided one now and then for Charlie. He loves them too. I'd certainly hate to be the person on the manufacturing line who has to braid them....Ick! LOL
  • Charlie

    That picture was from his last bath at about 5 months old. He really dislikes the bathtub.

    He is weighing about 19.5 pounds now...still a little lightweight. How much does Brynn weigh? She is looking really healthy in her pictures!
  • Charlie

    I remember thinking that Charlie was 8 lbs at the same age that you had Brynn weighing in at 8 lbs. Charlie did gain a pound per week up to about 5 months, then they slow down to a pound every several weeks.

    Charlie's father is a 28 lb very handsome black-headed tri, right in line with the standard. His mother is a pretty but slender dainty sable. I asked the breeder about her weight, and she just said "Oh she's just thin from having the litter. She usually weighs more." So I didn't really get an answer (but I would guess 19-21 lbs). Charlie appears to be taking after his mother. : )

    I sure hope Brynn will live a long healthy life too! It is very unusual for a 3 year old dog to have a stroke that young. Poor girl! Charlie would never get returned either, regardless of any problems.
  • Peanut and sarah

    Brynn, what a lovely name for a beautiful corgi! She looks so sweet!
  • Charlie

    I hadn't thought about getting Charlie's family tree. He came from a working quarter horse ranch, and the breeder doesn't show her dogs. I was impressed by her adult dogs obedience and calm temperament though. Charlie is "pet quality", but I am interested in Agility or Flyball, not in show.

    I think you and I are both going to have wonderfully trained, beautiful adult dogs, in exchange for our time, effort, patience and love. :)

    Just.. have.. to.. survive.. the.. teens.
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Brian, Brynn is getting soo big!1 I love her expressive corgi eyes. Aren't they the best? I've never known dogs that can communicate so well with just their eyes, and a whine or two.. I thought you were James until a couple days ago.. It's -4 here today..and I broke my ankle 2 weeks ago, so no walkies for us for awhile. Augie doesn't understand, poor baby.
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Brian, Thanks for the condolences. I am in an. aircast for 6 WEEKS!! ECHHH!! oh well, they thought I needed surgery for a while, so this is the better alternative. My daughters are helping with cleaning the cat boxes (4), and vacuuming. My honeys still don't get it..I let Augie out this morning at 4:30, and he wouldn't come back in, had to coax him with more food. Luckily, I usually have a cat in my lap when I am putting my leg up. How are the kitties adjusting???
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Brian,
    I think you need to change your profile from Lost to Found!! Brynn has found your heart. Have you seen Al Gaiv's picture of his room for his corgi? He has a toddler bed for his dog, it's too cute. My honey's were out playing in the snow today. Charlotte likes to dig tunnels with her nose, then eat the snow!
  • Maureen

    We did name them after the characters on LOST! Many people don't get the reference...
    Thanks for the welcome...I am working on uploading some photos this week...
  • Angie DesPeaux

    Hi Brian, I've never had my 'own' dog before either so it's quite an adjustment. I also have THREE cats that are getting used to her. She herds them a lot. I have to say, Brynn is sooo adorable. I just love her hoodie photo! I've been trying to find Emma a hoodie, I wish American Apparel made them.. they have amazing dog vests, but little corgis just look so cute with hoods!
  • Angie DesPeaux

    That's so funny that you mention that she's like a small child and when she's tired she starts acting up and you know its time for bed.

    Emma is exactly the same way, and my mother was saying how she is more work than a baby because babies don't bark and bite, and they go potty in diapers and not on the floor.. Also, babies get cranky and angry when they are tired so it is soooo true!
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Brian, Thanks for the good wishes. I am feeling better. I was really wiped out for a few days. I still can't go for walks, and Augie keeps talking to me. I tried showing him the cast...Has Brynn showed any "protectiveness" of you yet? Augie is very protective of everyone in the family.
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Brian, I walked the dogs for a block last night. We have an open spot in the pond, and every duck in Indy was gathered there, and had pooped all over the sidewalk. Between trying to not step in the poo, and keep the dogs from eating it, I was exhausted....Augie is grumbling at me right now...