
Utrecht- Maarssenbroek.


Profile Information:

Maarssenbroek-The Netherlands
About Me:
I am Juliette Bemelen and I am 15 years old. I am the twin sister off Celina. I have 7 dogs 5 Corgi's , 1 Newfoundlander ,1 Border Collie .
I work in the weekends in a Animal home. My hobby's are dansing and to cuddle with the dogs. My big dream is going to America when I am older!
About My Corgi(s):
I have 5 Welsh corgi pembroke, their names are Suzy, Lola, Gucci,Patsy and Zoey. Gucci is the doughter of Lola and Zoey is the doughter of Patsy. Once a year we have puppies i like that the most !

Comment Wall:

  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Juliette, Welcome. You and your sister have the cutest dogs. I also have a 14 yo daughter. Her name is Liz. She plays the flute, and rides horses. Are you and your sister interested in becoming exchange students? My 10 yo, Hannah is a dancer also.
  • Katelyn

    cute corgi's!
  • Dominique

    what a beautiful family of corgis you have.
    did you leave the tails on?
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Juliette!
  • Dominique

    the puppies had tails...
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! I know that you'll like it here. Best website for corgi lovers. The pictures of your corgis are really good. I especially love the ones with the puppies in them.
  • Carol Braitman

    Your english isn't so bad!!! I live in Carmel, Indiana. Our high school has a very active exchange program, I think through AFS. My daughter is in the 9th grade. She takes French as a foreign language. Keep dreaming!!!
  • Carol Braitman

    The website for AFS is www.AFS.org. They have an office in the Netherlands.
  • Cindi

    Hi and welcome! Those are wonderful pictures. Is it common in The Netherlands to keep the tails long and not dock them?
  • Christine

    Beautiful Babies! How exciting having puppies every year!