

United States

Profile Information:

Griswold Iowa
About Me:
We are a small home breeder with corgi's and longhaired dachshunds. I have been in love with the corgi's ever since seeing one on one of the dog shows on TV. We will be entering the show ring with our new boy this summer and can't wait
About My Corgi(s):
I have Muffin my first. She is a high engery girl on the go. My wife just loves her face even if she is not great in her comformation. Our next was Ted E a male. What's not to love. He is a fun loving little guy who knows when to slow down and give you a hug or kiss......and if he sees you getting attention from someone else he might butt in. Buttercup is alittle sweet heart. Layed back..for the most part...and love her hugs, can't get enough of them. She has awsome comformation and a pedigree to match. We will be getting anther male named Snowy soon just for Buttercup. He also has the comformation and pedigree to die for and he will be starting his show career in the summer of 08. Can't wait to see their babies

Comment Wall:

  • Kristen

    Welcome! I can't wait to see pictures of the rest of your dogs. You are not all that far from us in Nebraska. This is a good place to be for the slightly Corgi obsessed!
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! Love the cow motif vest. Absolutely cute!
  • Kristen

    Wow. Two litters of puppies. How exciting! A future Buttercup x Snowly litter sounds like it will be the dream cross.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Patrick!
  • Cindi

    Hi and welcome! Sounds like you have your hands full. Can't wait to see the pups from Buttercup and Snowy.
  • Florence Fong

    Hi Patrick,
    The picture of your Corgi is simply delightful. Which one of your Corgis is it?
  • Florence Fong

    Hi Patrick,
    Thanks for your reply. It's a picture I downloaded from the internet. I have yet to upload his pictures. He's a red/white Pembroke. He's now 19 months old. Bought him in Singapore when he was just a little over 3 months old. He's imported from Melbourne, Australia.
  • Kristen

    Okay, I just noticed the cowboy on the back of Ted E. Very funny. He looks very proud!
  • Nicole & Baxter

    What a handsome little crew you have! :) Yes I am very excited about bringing my guy home. Thats the most recent picture of them. The breeder takes pictures of them every saturday and posts them. Even though I haven't been there from the beginning, I have got to watch him grow and change. :)
  • Nicole & Baxter

    Oh I think it is a great way to bond to. It is a long four hour trip out to the breeder's location for me and I am not able to drive over to see him. But its almost like seeing him on a weekly basis this way, watching him change and grow. I think its excellent. How long have you been breeding corgis? Your lovely dogs sure have produced some beautiful little pups. And hands down that has to be one of the best dog costumes I've ever seen heheheh. Best of luck to you in the show ring!
  • Nicole & Baxter

    Wonderful! Many congratulations! Sorry to hear the one didn't make it. Hope the moms and pups are doing well. Yes it will be a romp a minute around your place in about three weeks. I peeked over at your site, you have some adorable little daschunds as well. Wish you the best of luck with your new arrivals!
  • WhiteDove

    HOW LUCKY ARE YOU!!!. . .I have three and have been thinking about another one. . . .like they say, "you can't have enough Corgis around". . . .LOLOLOLOL
  • Florence Fong

    I'm so sorry to read about the loss of some of your puppies. Give yourself time to grief. As they say, `only time will heal'.
  • Florence Fong

    Yes it was. It was heartbreaking.
  • Sam

    Sadly failure to thrive is not an uncommon occurance in corgi pups. This is one of the heart breaks involved in breeding. It is so sad to lose them.
  • Mandy and Lori

    Oh I am so sorry about the loss of the puppies. How heart breaking. How is Buttercup doing?
  • Shannon

    Thank you for all the support. It has help quite abit.
    Shannon and Deb O'Dell
  • Mandy and Lori

    Oh Shannon, my heart goes out to all of you. Poor Buttercup. I feel so bad for her for having to go through all of this.
    You have beautiful Corgi's by the way. ((BIG HUGS))!!
  • Kristen

    I hope all is going well after your losses. I immagine you are quite busy with the 8 puppies. I've been thinking about all of you.
  • Linda W.

    Awww, I'm so sorry to hear about Buttercup losing her puppies. The ADL told me that when Brianna had her 3 puppies (right before I adopted her), one of them didn't survive. We send love and good energy to the survivors.
  • Kristen

    At 3:00pm on February 25th, 2008, Kristen said…
    I'm glad Buttercup is feeling better. As to the weather I was happier when it was colder and the ground was still frozen solid. Now we have snow, slush and lots of mud at the farm. The dogs seem to love it, but they come in a different color than they go out! Lots of baths. I visited your website. Your little dachshunds are adorable. Just like the Queen of England. She had both breeds as well. She even crossed her Dachshunds and Corgis...she called them Dagis...I think I prefer them the way they are
  • Moosey May

    Hey thanks for the comment...I love your dogs little saddle costume...Sorry to hear about the puppies.
  • Kristen

    We've been thinking about all of you. How are the puppies and Muffin doing? Did you ever figure out what happened with Buttercup? Best wishes all around!
  • Mandy and Lori

    Just checking in on you all and Buttercup. I hope all is well.
  • Cat & Casey

    Thank you for the welcome to this group. Your Muffin is darling! You write in your blog you plan to enter the ring this summer. What event? Rascal is too onery to be in any public event. My daughter (she owns the Boxer in the tug a war picture) says he is not sociable. Rascal does not back down to any size dog!
    Hope you have fun training & prepairing for the ring.
  • Cat & Casey

    I just read your forum where you tell you live in Southwest Iowa. We live in northwest Iowa!! Small world!! Where do you live? Sac City is 1 hour west of Ft. Doge or 1.5 hours east of Sioux City. This is the 1st time I have met someone who lives in western iowa. I have meet a gal from Davenport area but not a Corgi owner. I read of many Corgi pals getting together with their dogs, but they live in CA or East USA. We drove to Marshalltown area to get Rascal.
  • Kristen

    Just checked out your website to look at the puppy pictures...what a cute little brood! I think your little snowy is truly a handsome little guy. Hope all is well. I see from the comment posted below we have a circle of us within a couple hours of each other. Maybe we should have a regional Corgi meet-up sometime!
  • Tallulah Belle

    The babies are so cute! And Muffin's a good name, since Tallulah had a little mate named Muffin and she was the sweetest of the bunch.
  • Brittany

    Yeah! I try to take pics of Duncan, but he HATES the camera! He literally runs from it 8 times out of 10. So I have very few of him. I'll have to try to get a few pics of him and Korben together. :3
  • Kristen

    What are the dates for the seward Dog show. I would be very interested in coming to watch.