
49, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Brooklyn, New York
About Me:
New corgi owner, married to the best man ever, live in NY, work at Bellevue Hospital as an HIV educator.
About My Corgi(s):
Roxy is a pembroke and is loads of fun. She is too smart for her own good. She is a Brooklyn girl and loves the Yankees and the NY Rangers!!! She brings smiles to everyone she meets and is quite the workout. I would love to make Roxy a service dog one day because she is so sweet and loveable.

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Concetta and Roxy!
  • Kristen

    Welcome Concetta and Roxy. Roxy is beautiful and she looks like quite the happy girl. Tough job you have, but a very important one. Is it hard living in the city with a dog? We live in the rual boonies of Nebraska...quite a different life.
  • Kristen

    Seems like a Corgi would fit into city life quite wel and they are certainly worth the effort!. It has been warm here the past two days Which is a nice change. I took the dogs for a walk down our gravel road and they all came back covered in mud! Hard to keep the house clean this time of year, they track in so much. I actually wish there was a doggy day care near my office. I drive 45 miles to work and it would be nice to hang out with the dogs over lunch. My husband comes home over lunch to let them out for a bit. I travel to DC a few times a year and I keep telling myself I'll go early and take the train into NYC, but still have'nt done it. One of these days.
  • Cindi

    Hi Concetta and Roxy! Roxy's adorable, even if her choice of teams (RED SOX NATION) isn't the best! :-)
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Concetta. . . .Roxy is very cuteā™„
  • Concetta

    Thanks so much. She was so moody tonight but we took her for a walk and she is so happy and calm. cold night in NYC.