59, Female


United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Moxie's Mom.
About My Corgi(s):
Moxie, Female, Tri-color, Born 1/13/08
Moxie was adopted by my siamese cat Lila as soon as she arrived. Moxie is the best dog, very smart and exceptionally headstrong! She knows how to make me laugh! Even with her puppy energy she still knows how to calm down and relax. She gets out tons of energy playing with her cat. She loves to meet new people, run in circles, and smile big corgi smiles with her tongue hanging out of her mouth.

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Reb and Moxie!
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Reb. . . .can't wait to see pics of Moxie. . . .
  • Cindi

    Welcome Reb and Moxie! Can't wait to see pics!
  • Tracie & Emmy

    Awww.. Moxie is adorable!! I just love how their ears are a little too big for their little heads when they are puppies! Welcome! :-)
  • Beth

    She's adorable! I love her name. :o)
  • Maggie and Me

    Your baby girl is GORGEOUS! CORGILOVE!
  • Kona

    Thank you REB. Moxie is the cutest thing also. Looking at her makes me want to get a tri-color corgi so bad..
  • Kristen

    Welcome REB and Moxie. Such a beauty!
  • Kristen

    Thanks for the compliment. I'm partial to the red/whites. My first Corgi and my best friend was a red/white. He is the one in my profile pix. He went to the rainbow bridge about a year and a half ago. I recommend the 2nd Corgi. I love watching our "kids" play together. So much fun.
  • Badger (and his mom Marci)


    Thanks for being my friend!