
41, Male

Orlando, Florida

United States

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Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Something else!
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Comment Wall:

  • Kristen

    James, I'm sure Cheez will make a great companion. Very loyal and eager to please. Our Corgis all like to swim so hopefully Cheez will take to the water. Love to see him on a surf board!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome James! Congrats on your addition :)
  • Sam Tsang

    Really? We were "this" close in getting an Sti few years ago, unfortunately the wife complained about the stiff suspension, but man I love it when the turbo kicks in, had to hold on to my pants :)
  • Laura & Lola

    Congrats on your new furry baby! They're so much fun as pups, but even better as they grow :)
  • CaptainCorgi

    Welcome! The wait will be well worth it. I know how it is to wait, I had to wait for my little one as well. Not for as long as you are, but only a couple of days, but it was so hard, but well worth it. Do upload pictures when you get him! <3 If you introduce them to water, they will take very easily. My little one loves the water, I can hardly keep her out of it.
  • Lauren

    haha--Cheesecake! Amazing name.
  • WhiteDove

    Hello James, you'll have so much fun with your new baby. . .they are perfect companions. . .it's just hard to just 1, 2, 3, LOL
  • Patti

    James - congrats on becoming a corgi owner. saw your post with questions and see that you've got quite a few answers. with regard to surfing w/corgi's - I have 2 cardigan corgi's. my older dog, kai. loves all water except for the ocean. and we are surfers. causes a bit of a problem. kai will hang at the beach, tho and everyone knows him and loves him. luna, my youngest, is not afraid of anything, she'll stay on a board, chew on boogie boards when they come in, etc. if you do plan on surfing w/your dog, use the lifevest, only longboard, and of course - don't go too far out, or when it's too rough. also, on more than one occasion if i was out in the water and the dogs were hanging on the beach - people have tried to take them - be careful. good luck.
  • Cindi

    Hi James and welcome! You're in for a real treat as a corgi parent. Warning, though. You can't have just one! :-)
  • DWBarrs

    Welcome Cheez and James!! We'll be waiting for pics.
  • Patti

    James - must be nice to have some empty beach - we're filled to the gills with tourists and spring breakers down here near west palm. the dog on the skateboard is Kai, and he'll do anything for food - including skating! best of luck with your new pup!
  • Karen & Bailey

    thanks for the blog comment! =P haha cheez-it how cute!
  • Bridget

    How excited you must be! I have a pup I am waiting on also. The litter is only 2 weeks old, so we will be waiting for awhile yet. Man, it is so hard to wait!

    Like you, I have wanted one for a LONG time but didnt' feel it was the right time to get one due to moving, etc. Now we are counting the days until we can go visit and pick one out!

    We live about 2 hours from the family that has the litter and will go when they are 5 weeks old to see if we can see enough personality to actually pick a good fit for our family.

    Your baby's pictures is so cute! I don't have any pictures yet, except for the one they took just after they were born. Not too much detail of their faces, mostly bodies around the dairy bar mom! So, I am eager to go take a ton of digital photos and see what they are like at 5 weeks old. Your little pup looks so alert for 4 weeks! I bet he'll be a smart dog!

    Good luck and please stay in touch! I bet we'll share some common corgi puppy moments!
  • Sam Tsang

    Hi James, the corgi picnic is usually in the fall, when the time gets closer, more details will be available.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi James,
    Congratulations on your new pup, Cheez-it. What an exciting time! Cant wait to see more pictures.
  • Karen & Bailey

    hi! yay congrats hes home. oh i have to ask - do you like cheez-it crackers?!? whats behind the name? =P
  • Juel

    Congrats on the pup! what a cutie!
  • Sherrie

    Hi James! I'm in Jax too and have had a corgi since 1999 (we had two but very sadly I lost my little boy last week). I joined when I saw your post, hope Cheez-it is settling in well in his new home.
  • Karen & Bailey

    lol! thanks for the very descriptive answer! =) but you didn't answer my question - do you like cheez it crackers!!?!? =P just kidding. =P

    Oh, and go redheads! have a great rest of the weekend!
  • Steve

    Cheez is suuuuuper cute!!
  • Vladimir

    Thank you so much for the comment on my photo :) And to tell you the truth, I'm not sure how I got that angle on the photo - It was just a caught in the moment one, I guess. lol, thank you :) I love your photos, your corgi is so cute