
, Female


United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I have been a corgi owner for about 20 years now and firmly believe that they are the most perfect dogs on the face of the planet! I am in the mental health field (which helps when my corgi tries to manipulate me). I have three children who are equally beguiled by our "dwarf dogs".
About My Corgi(s):
As many of you may be aware I have recently had to lay my beloved Buddy-dog to rest and it broke my heart! He left a huge hole not only in my heart but in my life. It was the first time ever I had been without a dog and my house did not feel like a home. I couldn't take it anymore and finally broke down. We found a breeder in Cincinnati and picked Desmond up last weekend. It was love at first sight! He was 13 wks old when we got him. We're not sure if he'll be a sable or a red. All we know is that he has been a special gift in helping us heal from our loss. We think Buddy would approve because he is such a gentle and loving little dog like Buddy was!

Comment Wall:

  • Brian Davis

    Welcome Colleen !! Happy new year to you and Weezie :)
  • colleen

    I just recently joined this group in the hopes that someone may have some answers for me in regard to a serious health concern that happened to Buddy right before Christmas. When I came home from work he appeared to be staggering as if he were drunk. Upon further evaluation it appeared he was partially paralyzed in his back legs-predominantly the right hind quarter. The three vets I took him to are puzzled. He is currently on cortizone and pain killers. I did some research and it sounds like Intervertebral Disc Disease-apparently common in corgis. Has anyone else run into this? Any advice?
  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Colleen, welcome! Post your question in the forum area and you will get more exposure. I'm quite sure our members will be able to answer your question.
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Colleen,
    welcome to the group! Sorry to hear about Buddy. I just left you a comment on your discussion. I'm sure you must be worried sick about him.
  • Carol Braitman

    You might want to carry Buddy outside the first couple days, so he doesn't slide on the ramp. Good luck!!! Augie was very sick when he was 2, and it was very nerve racking taking care of him.
  • Corgi Mom

    Good luck with Buddy! I hope he gets better.
  • Cindi

    Hi Colleen and welcome! We're keeping Buddy in our prayers.
  • Mandy and Lori

    Hi Colleen, I am broken hearted reading about Brody and now Buddy is having trouble. I am praying Buddy will be fine!! Keep us posted!! Happy New Year!! ((BIG HUGS))!!!
  • colleen

    I wanted to say thankyou to everyone who has expressed their well-wishes and concern for Buddy. Everyone has been so warm and friendly. Corgi people are a breed apart.
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Colleen, thanks for sharing your corgi with us, keep us updated!
  • Cindi

    Colleen, my heart just breaks for you and Buddy. Patti (CorgiMom) and I will be praying for you and for Buddy that you will have peace, comfort and wisdom in knowing what to do. If you need to talk, please let us know. We're here for you.
  • Carol Braitman

    Thanks foroffering to help the rescue group Colleen. It sounds like they really need it. It is so nice of you, in your grief, to think of other dogs that could use your help!
  • Lauren

    i love the pic one is never enough on your page the pups look almost identical to mine
  • Kristen

    I know how hard it is to lose a good friend. My heart aches for you. You know you did what was right for Buddy. My Basil died last year and even now I miss him terribly. Congrats on the new puppy. The pictures on your site are beautiful. Our friends can never be replaced, but it is good to know, that the more we love them, the more room we have in our hearts for more friends. Good luck to you.--Kristen
  • Carol Braitman

    Oh Colleen, I am sooo happy for you!!! He is adorable!!
  • Christine Glossman

    Hi Colleen,
    Desmond is very cute. Puppies are the best, and can really keep you laughing. My girlfriend has 3 Corgis, 1 Cardi and 2 Pembrokes. We always say the Pembroke's have the "royal attitude" where the Cardi's are the workers. Having a job to do is mandatory. I think they're more intense.
  • Carol Braitman

    Colleen, Des is so cute!!! He has the cutest feet ever!!! I really believe in the saying, "when one door closes, another one opens".
  • Mandy and Lori

    Awww Colleen!! I am so glad you found Desmond!! What a cutie he is!! I love the pictures of him with his doggies!! I need to get one of those for Mandy to pose with. ;) Have a nice week.