Brian Davis

, Male

Profile Information:

Portland, Oregon
About Me:
About My Corgi(s):
I brought home my Pembroke puppy Brynn at 8 weeks old , now she is 13 weeks and growing up fast . Brynn is very smart and learning quick . I have never had a dog before so it's all new to me. I do have 2 cats who are still adjusting to the new baby in the family .

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  • Cagney & Lacey & Chapin

    She is a real cutie. So how big is she now? I read that the breeder told you she would only get to 12 lbs.

    Our two are 15-16 lbs and we love them. They are cute as can be and their size rocks ... even if they are technically "too small."
  • Jessie

    Hey Brian! I was wondering what breeder you got your corgi from? Our corgi is only 13 lbs and we've been trying to find where he came from (since not too many people breed smaller corgis). Brynn is adorable!
  • Alina

    Hi Brian,
    Just wanted to see how you and Brynn were doing. She must be big now but just as cute :) Ronan and I hope that all of you are well and enjoying the weather!