
38, Female

Silver Spring, MD

United States

Profile Information:

State College, PA or Silver Spring, MD
About Me: the Mets, take photos, have green eyes, watch movies with the captions on, dislike geraniums, would take a Truth instead of a Dare, am annoyed by the movie Serendipity, talk very very fast, wanted to be a Dolphin trainer when I was little, still do, used to wish I had a twin brother, still wish on stars
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We have a one-year-old corgi named Dexter. He's very small for his breed (only 12 lbs) but the perfect size for us.

"Corgis aren't small dogs... they're big dogs with no legs!"
I have:

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  • Livi

    aww Dexter is so Cute ! The name really looks like it fits him. This is my corgi
  • Ryan and Darwin

    snip snip was finally completed (who knew it was that expensive!). Let me know when Dex can come out to play!
  • Ryan and Darwin

    That's funny because we were just booted out of the club for not showing up. Darwin had the same problem with the other small dogs. He did not know what to do with them. Plus, when we were there it was less like the "small dog breeds" but more like the "toy dog breeds"- so Darwin, at like 5 months was bigger than all the other dogs. This Sunday we are going to Ren Fest, so we won't be there, but it would still be cool to meet up.