Ryan and Darwin


Gaithersburg, MD

United States

Profile Information:

Gaithersburg, MD - DC BURBS
About Me:
Currently I attend graduate school at Johns Hopkins for my degree in Clinical Community Counseling. I am working at three part-time jobs, two for the Mental Health Association of Montgomery County (Crisis Hotline worker, and a contractor for Voices Versus Violence) and one as the coordinator of the Rainbow Youth Alliance (an LGBT support group for teens 14-18, sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Church of Rockville and funded by grants provided by Brother Help Thy Self, and other congregations in the DC Metro Area). I am also working at my internship at the Frederick Mental Health Association as a counselor in their Counseling Services Department.

In my spare time (what spare time?) I draw, paint, and get caught up in dorky hobbies (WOW, Magic, Ren Fairs... I would never admit to these in person... I am an undercover dork). I work out on my Wii Fit daily, and also talk a daily 40-90 min. walk with friends.

My partner (Devin) and I am searching for LGBT friends to make play dates with (for ourselves and the dog).
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Darwin is now 1 year old and is our favorite member of our house. He loves going on his 4-6 walks a day and has learned to sit, stay, "home", roll over, paw and dance. He has helped keep the neighbor kid from running in the street (good ole herding tendency) and enforcing the "no cats allowed on Daddy's desk" policy. His favorite friends in the neighborhood are Kanyon (the husky he likes to take walks with), Bella (the full-sized, 70 lbs. bull dog he wrestles with), Puffy (the Pomeranian he bounces on), his pack (Trixie, Max, and Conner- friend's dogs he goes on walks with), and his grandmother's pack (four jack russells, Sarge, Lady, Tiny, and Hedi). He has found a special place in his heart for herding chickens and loves meeting new friends. Let me know if you wanna set up a play date!
I have:

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  • Cindy & Jeremy & Caden too!

    Awesome, thanks so much!
  • Jessie

    So glad his procedure went without a hitch (minus the exorbitant fees...)! We'll be in Bethesda for the Meetup.com small dog group on Sunday. You should come! Dexter would love to have another corgi around... those little shih tzus annoy him... lol
  • Zwei & Cynthia + Mike

    I saw your comment and I'm sorry for being ... months ... late, I haven't checked my profile for a long while.
    How was your trip to the scenic Northwest?