Cindy & Jeremy & Caden too!

Bethesda, MD

United States

Profile Information:

Bethesda, MD
About Me:
We've been married for 2 years (together for 10) originally from Houston, TX but have lived in the DC area for 5 years. Jeremy is 27 and works for the government. Cindy is 28. and just finished her master's in Exercise Science & Nutrition. Her thesis was on the health status of dog-owners.

Books we've read and recommend:
Pembroke Welsh Corgis by Susan Ewing
The Good Behavior Book for Dogs by Colleen Paige
Eco Dog by Corbett Marshall & Jim Deskevich
101 Dog Tricks by Kyra Sundance & Chalcy
And we subscribe to the Whole Dog Journal Newsletter.
The Whole Dog Journal's Handbook of Dog & Puppy Care and Training - Nancy Kerns

And we TiVo the "Dog Whisperer" and "Its me or the dog"
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Caden was born 7/5/08 and we brought him home on 9/20 at 11 weeks.
He's now ~1.5 years old. Where did all the time go?

Profile picture is from his first birthday.

We first emailed the breeder back in March of 2008, so it was a long 6 months till we brought our pup home. It's been worth the wait because the breeder only has one litter per year and we feel so fortunate to bring home one of her little ones.

Caden is a welsh name and means spirit of the battle.
He is a PWC with a red and white coat, and maybe a bit sable, like his mama.

We've been having such a great time this past year and half. There's been a lot of laughs and couldn't imagine our lives with out him.
We'd love to add another corgi to the family but our condo only allows 1 pet,.. so it'll have to wait, but Caden is keeping us plenty busy for now.
I have:

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  • Ryan and Darwin

    yea... oops! I totally havent been on the site if 4eva. As you can see we did not attend, but there is a thing in Bethesda on Saturday. We might be there if I don't have a conference.
  • Ryan and Darwin

    It was great meeting you guys too. I just put up all the Doggie Dip photos and there are some cute ones of Caden. Feel free to steal some to put on your page.
  • Ryan and Darwin

    Consider the survey taken