
Profile Information:

Muskegon Michigan
About Me:
I'm a wife and mother, kids grown and my 2 girls are our joy in life. I travel and when we can the girls go with us. I paint, crochet and enjoy the outdoors.
About My Corgi(s):
Arty is our first Corgi and Annie is our newest Corgi. I love these 2 little gals more then anything. They keep me moving and laughing they are so different. If I could I would have more corgi's in my life. I got my mother into corgi's as well and a sister in law is looking for one too. Here where I live they are so hard to find. I am enjoying this site big time. GO CORGI'S!!

Comment Wall:

  • taidomino

    Love the site!!!
  • Kristen

    Pamela--Welcome your girls are adorable.