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Pamela's Page

Profile Information

Muskegon Michigan
About Me:
I'm a wife and mother, kids grown and my 2 girls are our joy in life. I travel and when we can the girls go with us. I paint, crochet and enjoy the outdoors.
About My Corgi(s):
Arty is our first Corgi and Annie is our newest Corgi. I love these 2 little gals more then anything. They keep me moving and laughing they are so different. If I could I would have more corgi's in my life. I got my mother into corgi's as well and a sister in law is looking for one too. Here where I live they are so hard to find. I am enjoying this site big time. GO CORGI'S!!

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Pamela's Blog

the girls

Posted on May 11, 2008 at 8:00pm 1 Comment

My two girls have made it though all there vet visits and shot. Both are happy not having to go for awhile. Arty had her first Heart Worm test and she came out with flying colors. Nasty stuff that is and i sure don't want my girls to come down with them. We are going to get Annie fixed next month although she doesn't know it yet and I don't think I will tell her either. Annie is a little hethen but we love her to death. She keeps us hoping and for us old folks we need it. She is such a love too… Continue

why is annie naughty all of a sudden!

Posted on May 5, 2008 at 8:18pm 2 Comments

Miss Annie is trying her darnest to be a naughty dog. I woke this morning to a huge mess in my living room. She had tore up papers, and ate a little hole in middle of my living room carpet! Yep the carpet thing again. She is almost 6months old and she is acting up NOW! why? Right now she is outside with Arty and playing so with luck this will knock her out all night. Gosh almost wish I was having potty problems instead of her eating up everything in house that isnt food. Which by the way yes… Continue

Annie and the carpet

Posted on May 2, 2008 at 3:06pm 10 Comments

well this is a first for me. And I thought she was such a good little girl...well she was so naughty today while i was out shopping. Lil Miss Annie kept herself busy today while I was gone digging up my carpet in front of the fireplace. Yep she dug for her little hearts content. At first when I seen it, it looked like a toy she tore apart till I got closer and seen my carpet in! My husband said oh how cute her being a puppy. Ok, not cute but her being a puppy lets her off the… Continue

my girls

Posted on April 30, 2008 at 5:47pm 2 Comments

my little annie is potty trained and doing really good at it. the only problem is she wont tell me she has to go outside to do her business. I watch her closely and I seem to have it down pretty good with the clues she is leaving me that she needs to go out. She jumps in my lap or beside me and just looks at with those beautiful eyes but she says nothing she just looks at me. She is just way to funny. I am trying to make a game out of it when I ask her if she needs to go outside. Arty the 2yr… Continue

Annie and Arty

Posted on April 29, 2008 at 9:08pm 2 Comments

My girls are the joy of our lifes. Arty is our quiet one and Annie is our little fireball. They keep us laughing and I cant tell you how many hours of joy we get out of them. Spoiled is a good word to use with my girls but with faces like that we could never say NO to them. Every time I take Annie to the Vet she calls her trouble and I have no idea why. She's not trouble she is a love. I haven't gotten the girls fixed yet but am thinking about it. I don't know if it is a good idea or not. Maybe… Continue

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At 8:41pm on May 5, 2008, Sam Tsang said…
You're welcome :) Keep us updated!
At 10:53pm on May 2, 2008, Cindi said…
When it comes to food, most dogs will eat kibble. But, if a dog is lgiven people food, sometimes they'll rebel against the whole idea of dog food. Also, if they get a good bit of treats, they'll avoid eating knowing we'll give in with the treats. But, for starters, I'd make sure Arty doesn't have anything wrong with his mouth that would cause him a problem with eating. Then, feed on a schedule. Kibble gets put down for 20 minutes and what isn't eaten gets put up until the next feeding time. No cheating. Keep doing it until Arty realizes if he doesn't eat what's put in front of him, for only as long as he gets it, he isn't eating. Try it for two weeks and let me know how it goes.
At 4:52pm on May 1, 2008, WhiteDove said…
Welcome Pamela. . .your fur babies are absolutely adorable. . . .
At 10:45am on May 1, 2008, Kristen said…
Pamela--Welcome your girls are adorable.
At 7:54am on May 1, 2008, taidomino said…
Love the site!!!

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