Introducing the world's 1st Corgi Rescue VISA Card!!!

Dear friends of,

We're excited to announce a brand new way that you can support Corgi Rescue!

A rewarding choice for everyone.

When you apply for and use the new FREE Corgi Rescue Platinum® Visa Rewards Card, the bank will donate $50 and a percentage of all your future purchases on the card to Corgi Rescue! (1st purchase within 90 days)

The more of us who participate, the bigger the impact we can make.

All the benefits of a Platinum® Visa Rewards Card will be yours, along with the satisfaction of showing your support of Corgi Rescue's mission every time you use your card.

Apply now and earn points at hundreds of online and neighborhood retailers plus bonus points at select merchants. Redeem your points for travel, merchandise and more.

Sam Tsang

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How does opening a credit card with UMB benefit Corgi Rescue?
A. Corgi Rescue receives $50 for each approved application that is activated and used within 90 days of approval. Additionally, a percentage of every retail purchase made using the card will be donated to Corgi Rescue.

Q. Is there an annual fee?
A. No, there is no annual fee.

Q. What is the interest rate on the card?
A. 0% for the first six month introductory period on purchases and balance transfers. After the six month introductory period, the interest rate will be the federal prime rate (no lower than 5.25%) + 5.90%.

Q. Can I apply over the phone?
A. Unfortunately, not at this time.

Q. How can I get an application by mail?
A. Paper applications will be available at certain Corgi Rescue events or by contacting We encourage you to apply securely online to help us reduce marketing and processing costs.

Q. When I apply for the card, will my transaction be secure?
A. Yes. Your application will be transmitted to UMB through an encrypted security page.

Q. Do I have to activate and use the card within a certain time period for the Corgi Rescue to receive the $50?
A. Yes. But you only need to use the card once within the first 90 days for us to receive the $50 donation. Of course, we encourage you to make it your primary card because Corgi Rescue receives a percentage of every retail purchase at no additional cost to you.

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on May 20, 2013 at 12:20pm

Wow, it was so many years ago, I've forgotten how long it took. 2 weeks sounds about right.

Comment by Maria & Reggie on May 20, 2013 at 10:27am

Awesome. I applied. So, it takes two weeks to process and then I get a card or deny letter? How long on average does it take?

Comment by Geri & Sidney on May 17, 2013 at 2:59pm

HI Maria...I always pay off the balance in full each month, so there is no rate in that case. So if you just pay off the balance and don't overspend, it's perfect!

Comment by Maria & Reggie on May 17, 2013 at 2:42pm

This is just a general question (since I'm a college student who fears credit cards). If you plan to primarily use it on fuel purchases, is the rate reasonable? I guess what I'm trying to ask is whether or not this is good for a college student. 

Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on February 3, 2013 at 6:47pm

I like using this card and as an extra bonus, you can also call in your payment without them charging you an extra fee!!! :)

Comment by Geri & Sidney on February 3, 2013 at 4:59pm

I have one too! I use it for all my internet purchases; if I ever feel guilty about spending money on myself, I remember I'm helping corgis and it makes me feel better :)

Comment by Cody on February 3, 2013 at 4:47pm

I got one of these cards a couple years ago and I have been VERY pleased with it. It makes me smile to see that Corgi smile every time I pull it out. It's a good card all around!

Comment by Tim Lum on July 10, 2010 at 3:53pm
Timothy Lum, Sunrise, Florida,
Comment by Sam Tsang on July 10, 2010 at 3:43pm
@Tim, you should receive the card or a deny letter within a month after submission. email me your full legal name and I'll check with their VP.
Comment by Tim Lum on July 10, 2010 at 3:39pm
I applied awhile back (Maybe close to two month and haven't a word one way or the other

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