A place to remember and to heal from losing your beloved corgi
Members: 43
Latest Activity: Feb 12, 2019
Started by Rhonda. Last reply by Ed and Michelle Nov 15, 2011. 6 Replies 0 Likes
We lost another one of our dearest Corgi angel's last week, Andy who was 12 years old. Only 4 months after our other Corgi, Barney. We are in shock and completely devastated. I was with my angel's…Continue
Started by Connie Rose. Last reply by Dave Bennett Dec 28, 2010. 12 Replies 0 Likes
I lost my corgi, Langston, 4 weeks ago today on Oct 1 and I'm still devastated. He was 11 1/2 and seemed to be a healthy, happy corgi with many years ahead. And around Aug he became very…Continue
I just know Tenby and my Sparty are tearing things up in doggie heaven over the bridge.
I am sure most of you are aware that my Sparty crossed the Rainbow Bridge last night. I like to think he is being greeted by Buffy who crossed 5 years ago. Sparty was one year old when we brought Buffy home and he loved her from the first. He would lay on his back so she could jump on him and bite him. Hopefully they are racing around without pain and having a great reunion. Our corgis always leave too soon but leave wonderful memories with us.
thanks for welcoming me Randy and Bev. this site has really helped with my grief. when i look back on our memories i sometimes cry but now i mostly smile and relive the happiness we shared
I am glad you joined Rebecca! Some of our furry family members just are special to us. Sparty is the first dog that has that place for me. Before him it was a cat, a very special one. Sharing your thoughts can be very beneficial. I know in my case it took such a long time after my corgi Buffy died not to have memories that made me cry. Five years later I find that now the same memories make me smile and I don't focus so much on how I lost her but more on what a sweetheart she was. You will get there but you are right, those Heart Dogs are few and far between.
I know how you feel. I think the pain eventually becomes a dull ache that you learn to live with--like arthritis or back pain. It's just there. And every once in a while it flares up and makes you cry. You will have that closeness forever. There are times I just long to scratch Stinky Wink behind the ears or rub between his eyes (which he loved). Like your Teddy, Wink was my best friend. And as much as I will love the babies when we bring them home, there will never be another Wink. They are as different as children.
it has taken me some time to find the courage to join and write about the memories of teddy but it is time.i have not completely moved on as i still love and miss him everyday but with the help of my other two corgis i keep smiling.
teddy was and will always be my "heart" dog. me and him were the best of friends and always there for each other. he was so sweet and loving and just wanted to be with u and make u happy. he died November 22, 2011 of a terrible accident. he had gotten into the trash and got a corn dog bag over his head and suffocated. it was such a horrible way to go for such a sweet and wonderful dog. some of u may remember the story i posted when he died as i poured my heart and soul into how close we were.
i miss him so very much. his sweet expressive eyes. him waking me in the morning with kisses. rushing out the door and into my arms to welcome me home. and most of all, our cuddle time on the couch. i would lay down and he would lay on my chest snuggled under my neck. we would lay like that for hrs if we could. i miss everything about my teddy bear and which he would be here with us but i see his spirit guiding the development of baden as there are somethings he does that make me go "teddy did that all the time" i really miss doing are therapy training together as he loved it so very much. he loved wearing his little orange vest and going to "work"
Thank you so much.
I am so sorry for your loss as well. I will be thinking about you and add you to my prayers -
Thank you - It is a small world. He was born June 21, 1999 or somewhere in there, being a rescue from a 2nd owner we were just told late June, 1999. The picture is from last summer on a camping trip. You can see his back leg is out a little, it was how he held himself steady. This picture is about 6 mos. into his diagnosis. I love your picture! Our new puppy is a tri - color as well. very small world. We thought getting the puppy would maybe somehow help us transition. We have a 13 year old daughter and Jake is the only dog she remembers, we were trying to make it easier on her as well. I haven't decided if it has or not for me, but seems to have worked out pretty well for our daughter. The pain is still to new. Although we do LOVE Shandy - Jake can never be replaced, but I do have room to love :) And we did have a year to prepare, if you ever can be prepared. We knew what it was and what was going to happen.
Jake was a handsome young guy! I feel your pain. It does ease, but I don't believe it ever goes away. After three weeks I'm still hurting terribly. How fortunate we are to know such unqualified love! You are in my thoughts and prayers.
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