Solomon & Naomi's Page
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  • Townville, SC
  • United States
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Solomon & Naomi's Page's Friends

  • Laura (and Marty)
  • Zigward & Kimberly
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  • Carry Mackenzie
  • Michael Jackson
  • Bella & Dawn
  • Miriam Carnell
  • Amy Freed
  • Angela Kau-Forsberg
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )
  • Joanne Koppenaal

Solomon & Naomi's Page's Discussions


Started this discussion. Last reply by Beth Mar 13, 2012. 8 Replies

I finally have my Naomi and everything went very well the first 2 days but tonight they had a fight. She is half his size. She weighs 18 pounds and he is a whopping 35 pounds. I have tried to show…Continue

Addition to the Family

Started this discussion. Last reply by Anna Morelli Feb 12, 2012. 2 Replies

Hey, I have a question and would like some suggestions.  First I have owned animals all my life,literally.  Horses, cat, dogs, pigs, birds, fish, etc, however this is new.  I got Solomon last March…Continue

Just found Something wonderful!!!

Started this discussion. Last reply by steve smith Aug 18, 2011. 4 Replies

Check this out ya'll, if you love to camp with your corgi this place looks perfect.  The greeter is actually a Corgi.  Here is the link; …Continue

Tags: corgis, camping

Need some help!!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Carolyn and Gracie Jul 17, 2011. 13 Replies

So Solomon is 4 years old, way past the puppy stage.  I had suspected that he was doing this but I saw proof this morning.  I was taking a shower and heard strange noises, I thought ok whats broke…Continue

Tags: Boy, Bad, chewing, Behavior


Solomon & Naomi's Page's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
I am married with 5 children and 11 grandchildren. I am the proud Momma of a Rainbow Bridge corgi named Chloe and new Momma of Solomom. I love my corgis and could never have any other breed. Chloe taught me to love the breed, Solomon is teaching me the breed is fun.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Chloe was my first Corgi and she was the best. She loved and pleased us to pieces. She taught me to love all Corgi's and because of that we have Solomon. Chloe went to Rainbow Bridge on 2/17 and I was heartbroken. I did not think I could love again but Solomon has taught us the joy of Corgi's. I could never own another breed of dog again. I am sure there are other breeds that are wonderful, but Corgi's are a breed apart!
I have:

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Solomon & Naomi's Page's Blog

I'm so Excited (Sounds like a song, don't it!!!)

Posted on February 14, 2012 at 8:11pm 1 Comment

I am so excited that I am getting another Corgi.  I can't wait to meet her and bring her home.  Mike says that she is a snuggle bunny and very affectionate.   She is going to be fixed while Mike has her so that she will come into our home without the stress of meeting Solomon and a new environment.  Although I will say that I can stand it and can hardly wait.  I don't know the day yet but hopefully it won't be but 2 weeks or so.  I will definately take pictures and post them of my sweet…


Tooo Dadgum Funny!

Posted on December 26, 2011 at 12:19am 3 Comments

I hope that everyone had a wonderful and love filled Christmas, but if you are like me, you are sooooo glad that it is over.  This was my first Christmas with Solomon and it was a funny one.  I have never laughed so hard in all my life at an animal.  My hubby had been teasing Solomon with what was in his stocking and we talked to him about Santa coming but all he did was yawn, like yea whatever.  So when I got up this beautiful Christmas morning Solomon was downstairs with Daddy and I came…


Merry Corgi Christmas....umm maybe!

Posted on December 13, 2011 at 11:03pm 0 Comments

So I had a hard time finding a stocking for Solomon because Chloe has a small one and I wanted to get Solomon something totaly different as this is Solomon's first Christmas with us.  I found this incredibly huge stocking on  I put his presents in it while he was outside, like he cares!  See the 2 itty bitty stockings beside his Monster Stocking, those belong to me and my Hubby.  Right before going to bed tonight my Hubby decides to tease him by telling him that he…


Oh My Boy, The Love of my Life!

Posted on September 9, 2011 at 9:27pm 5 Comments

Hi, just to let everyone know whats new for Solomon and Me.  This will be my first Winter with Solomon and I am looking forward to all the fun that we can have this winter.  The days are getting shorter here and the nights a little cooler.  I live on Lake Hartwell and everyone has gone home and we stay year round.  So it is quiet and peaceful in the evening.  When I get home I take Solomon down to the lakes edge to run and play in…


Comment Wall (20 comments)

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At 11:10pm on August 13, 2011, WhiteDove said…
Thank you for those kind words. . .Peanut is adjusting very well. . . .

At 5:10pm on July 5, 2011, Teresa Gilpin said…
I really love your pics at the lake!  He is so cute!
At 10:33pm on June 28, 2011, Suneera and Emmy said…
Thank you! I just love my puppy and she is just so beautiful! I really like this site.
At 10:29pm on April 21, 2011, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
OMG. I am typing with tears dripping down my face because of memories stirred up of my beloved Corgi, Rookie. He's the Corgi whose face is on the Corgis Remembered group. So my heart goes out to you and the loss of Chloe. Rookie's been gone for more than 20 years, with many corgis between, and i'm sitting here sobbing. Re. photos. I've gotten a lot of help from some members. They feel sorry for me and touch up my photos. They've also been known to add beer cans!!!
At 9:38pm on April 21, 2011, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) gave Solomon & Naomi's Page a gift
At 4:34pm on April 20, 2011, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
I'm glad you enjoyed some of my photos/vids. I keep making resolutions to read the manuals and learn what I should be doing!!!
At 10:30pm on April 03, 2011, WhiteDove gave Solomon & Naomi's Page a gift
At 11:55pm on March 22, 2011, Gail and Ashton gave Solomon & Naomi's Page a gift
At 11:18pm on March 22, 2011, Geri & Sidney gave Solomon & Naomi's Page a gift
Thank you very much!
At 4:28pm on March 15, 2011, Gail and Ashton said…
Thanks for the comment on Ashton's CGC! I am sure with practice Solomon will ace the test! Our biggest concern was Ashton jumping on the judge since our little corgi boy thinks the way to get attention is by punching people in the knees. Yeah, I'm sure the judge would have loved that! Just practice a little bit each day and before you know it he'll be ready for the CGC test. Best of luck to you!

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