Jenny Michel

Profile Information:

About Me:
I have been married for 10 years, I have 3 kids, 2 dogs!!
About My Corgi(s):
I just purchacsed my corgi about 3 weeks ago. It is a male named ozzie!

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Jenny Michel, Ozzie and family!
  • Kristen

    Welcome Jenny, Ozzie and family. Ozzie is a doll. I saw on your blog post that you are having some aggression biting issues, but the blog looks like it got off topic. I have really appreciated the behavior information from member "Sam". You can find her on the forums page in the frequent contributors group. This is one of those things that you need to deal with quickly...especially since there are young people in the house. My experience is limited to the more typical puppy nipping so I think I would be of little help. Corgis can be wonderful with children and I'm sure you will be able to get Ozzie inline, but I would contact Sam. Good socialization and execise do wonderful things for puppy behavior! Good luck with Ozzie!
  • Jenny Michel

    I just wanted to share something kind of cute with I was watching Ozzie play in the back yard with our 20 month Border Collie, and they were trying to herd eachother!! It was so cute. They usuallly try and herd my kids, but this time it was eachother.
  • Badger (and his mom Marci)

    Thanks! My person-mommy is still trying to figure this site out, but so far it looks like fun!
  • Cindi

    Hi and welcome! Ozzie's a cutie!
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Jenny. . . .Ozzie is adorable. . . .
  • Kate

    Corgis and border collies... sounds like you have a couple of smart doggies!
  • Jenny Michel

    I understand about not ending up there on your own!! But now you are a okie!!
  • Kate

    My dad calls Oakley, Okie Oakley now :) I bet your son did love all of the planes! My husband is going nuts (he's here for pilot training). I can't hardly get him to walk the dog with me because he's gauking at all of the planes... I guess it doesn't matter how old they are :D
  • Jenny Michel

    Ozzie is going next week for his rabies shot. The first time we had to take him for shots, after we got home he could not walk on his back leg that he recieved the shots in, squeeled everytime we picked him up, and just laid there and trembled. I called the vet and they told me to give him some Benadryl in case he was having a alergic reaction. I know he was in a lot of pain. Any suggestion to help the little guy out with the pain for his shots next week? He even was shaking while he slept. The Benadryl did not help.
  • Myka

    Ozzie is precious!
  • Kendra Palmer

    What a cutie!
  • CaptainCorgi

    What a cutie you have! <3
  • Juel

    What a precious little boy! congrats!
  • Mary Lamphere

    Hi! I live in Illinois and I have a corgi named Ozzie, too! Mine is red and white though, so no confusions, there. :)
  • Kimberly

    Ozzie is absolutely gorgeous!!! you're right- they do look a lot alike!!
  • Kimberly

    Are you in Decatur, AL or in another state?