
Profile Information:

Northern California
About Me:
First time Corgi owners of a handsome boy Enzo.
About My Corgi(s):
Enzo was born Feb 6th, 08. He's an Aquarius, which means hes gentle, individualistic, and a bit wacky. He is independent and an inventive dog who has his own rules. He learns very fast, but will do things only when he wants to do it. (on top of all that hes a corgi)

Comment Wall:

  • Brian

    Aw so cute! Welcome! We're new to mycorgi.com, too.
  • Florence Fong

    Enzo is so adorable! He has the same name as my cousin's 2 1/2 years old black/silver miniature schnauzer.
  • Florence Fong

    So did my cousin. He loves cars. Now he has just bought himself a BMW.
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome. . . .what a cute name and an adorable fur baby!!!
  • Cindi

    Welcome Enzo and family!
  • Karen & Bailey

    Hi Enzo! welcome to the site! Notice your from norcal.. where are you guys (if you don't mind me asking..) =P Bailey & I are in San Francisco. =P He's such a cutie - where'd you get him?
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Enzo and family! Great name indeed :)
  • April

    Welcome Enzo and fam!!! Glad to see more corgis in Norcal! Your baby is sooooooo cute!
  • Karen & Bailey

    haha yay for red heads! well our breeder had bailey on moistened dry food. i think that would be the perfect solution to your dilemma. she did it only to help with their teeth, but just soak the kibble in a little water about 30 minutes before feeding time, then start soaking some of it, gradually decreasing the amount thats soaked, and wean him off. Either that, or try a wet/dry food combo during meals and do the same thing. Luckily, bailey wasn't too picky and took to dry right away. =P good luck!
  • Karen & Bailey

    no problem. if all else fails, she will eventually eat cause shes hungry! i tihnk the soaked dry food is the way to go - she has no choice! =P oo and try warm water for the first few times =P
  • Charlie

    Keep me posted on Enzo's eye. I almost cried Monday everytime I looked at Charlie and he was squinting. You know how painful it can be having something in your eye! I'm sure the saline, or your vet can clear it up fast!
  • Charlie

    "good thing his memory is so short :) " LOL Isn't it a good thing!

    Glad to hear Enzo's problem was just pollen that rinsed out. I hate giving antibiotics, but whatever got into Charlie's eye must have caused an infection, or the vet was just being precautious. He looks fine too, but we have to finish the course of eyedrops.
  • Hoogie's Family

    Oh my gosh! You have an adorable little puppy!
  • April

    Well living in that area must be a great please for Enzo to explore! We have to drive quite a ways away just so we can go hiking. Anyway, great to have you part of the community! Maybe we can say hi to Enzo in a meet-up sometime! :) See ya 'round!

    so cute!

    hi enzo! you have a really cute name too! My dad told me about the Enzo Ferrari car too. Take care!
  • Karen & Bailey

    soooooo hows the food eating going?! is he on dry food completely now??!
  • Karen & Bailey

    i mean she! so sorry. every corgi is a he to me cause mines a he. lol