Lauren (Spike's Mom)

United States

Profile Information:

Port St Lucie, FL
About Me:
I am the mother of two grown daughters and one special pembroke welsh corgi. I also have two grandchildren; a boy 5 and a girl 3. When I am not at home spending time with my favorite child (the short furry one who never asks for money, to borrow the car or new clothes) I am a Human Resources Manager in the West Palm Beach, FL area.
About My Corgi(s):
Spike is an almost 5 years old red pembroke welsh corgi. I adopted him from a breeder who specialized in agility champions when Spike was 9 weeks old. For our first year together he was with me all the time (he even went to work with me) but in 2004 we moved to Florida to take care of my parents. Spike has taken this responsibility very seriously and spends most of his time guarding his grandma. Of course he does it spralled on the floor with his eyes closed, but just say the word "treat" and he's on the alert in an instant! Spike is definitely a lover, not a fighter and has decided that all humans were put on this earth to make a fuss over him and play with him. He also has never met another dog he doesn't whant to play with. I could go on for pages telling you how perfect Spike is, but I'm sure you get the picture.

Comment Wall:

  • Lauren (Spike's Mom)

    This is spike meeting his 3 month old niece for the first time. I got the impression he was saying, "Mom, what the heck do we do with this squrmy, noisy human puppy!"
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Lauren. . .Spike is absolutely adorable. . .oh, so is the baby. . . .LOL
  • Lauren

    Hi Lauren - I hope you'll like this site! Apparently, last year there was a huge Corgi picnic in Melbourne with over 100 Corgis!
  • Kristen

    Welcome Lauren! Your Spike is handsome and I don't doubt perfect! Are your daughters in FL as well?
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Lauren! glad to have another Floridian on board :)
  • Kristen

    My oldest daughter was living in FL, but is on her way back to NE. She is a Jockey and she will be racing here through July. I'm excited to have her back for a little while! Sounds like Spike is a great companion.
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group!
  • Cindi

    Hi Lauren and Spike!
  • Cindi

    Great pics! I love the sunglasses. Tank has "doggles." When I had my convertible, he would wear them and hang his head out the side window. It was priceless!
  • CassieD44

    I LOVE the picture of Spike sporting the shades!!! Too cool for school!