
32, Male


United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
just got a new pup... having problems with him..
potty training is way too difficult and he bites me.. play bite
About My Corgi(s):
very bad! tries to bite me and pees everywhere!
-1 week later
better now :) more friendly and gentle.
pees on his puppy pad :) stillgets crazy some times.

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Mike, try the search box, you'll find a lot of info on how to solve your problems.
  • mike

    thx sam! this place is awesome..
    i can find the answer to everyone of my problems!
  • Joshua

    Mike, Bexar gets very crazy when he wakes up and plays! Puppies are always "crazy" (energetic, really) - there's nothing you can do about that. They require a LOT of time, attention, and energy. Remember to take him out every half hour at first to get him used to his new potty spot - puppies don't know any better, they just go when they have to. Corgis are smart, so he'll catch on. Bexar loves biting me very hard, I just have to yelp and walk away, or even dominate him occasionally. Remember - YOU have to be the pack leader, not him. I can't stress enough how much attention puppies need - don't forget what a great companion you will have for many many years! One year of wild behavior is a small price to pay (if you consider it that) for the loyal friend you will gain. Just think about how old you are, and he could very well live 16 more years with you! Good luck, he's a cute boy!
  • Charlie

    Hi Mike,

    The "pink thing' on Charlie's nose is just because his nose leather is pink and black. It's called a "butterfly nose" and is due to a recessive gene where the nose leather did not all turn black. Nothing harmful to his health. I just have to put sunscreen on it so it doesn't burn. : - )
  • Joshua

    Oh, I also want to say these famous words: A tired dog is a happy dog! Play with him, walk him, do everything you can to exercise him. The more you do with him, the more tired he'll get, and the better behaved he'll be! A dog with too much time on his hands will turn destructive - and I KNOW you don't want that!
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Mike. Your fur baby is adorable and I can see alot of my Cloe in him. . .When I first got her (I was lucky to have two older ones) she would follow them everywhere and if they peed, she would squat and pee too. . .I was fortunate to let them be the trainers for her and she turned out absolutely precious. . .Joshua is right. . .these pups need lots of exercise and interaction with other pups. . .it builds character and you'll enjoy your baby every day you have him. . .they depend on us and we should depend on them. . . .
  • Melissa

    Hey Mike! I see that a lot of people have responded to your cries for help. I just wanted to echo. I'm sure you're doing a much better job with your pup than you think you are. The biggest piece of advice I can give you is be patient. Puppies are just like kids: they're learning new things all the time, which includes right and wrong. When your puppy's peeing indoors, he simply doesn't know any better! You've gotta teach him what "right" is and praise him for doing it. It's all about the patience and positive rewards. (Quite similar to teaching actually...)

    Be a good pack leader for your puppy, and he'll be good to you! I promise. Welcome to the corgi clan!
  • Melosimine

    hello, would you like to join the group, Party Corgi's, we would love to have you as another member!