Ruth Bergloff

Profile Information:

Chandler, AZ
About Me:
I have always had a special place in my heart for Pembroke Welsh Corgis! Whenever I see my corgi, he always manages to bring a smile to my face. The day that my husband brought him home to me was one of the best days of my life!
About My Corgi(s):
His name is Pancake and he is 2 1/2 years old. His favorite activities are playing fetch and catching frisbees. He's an amazing athlete. He's also the most handsome corgi I have ever seen but I may be bias because he is my baby!

Comment Wall:

  • Cindi

    Hi Ruth and welcome! Pancake's a cutie...and I see you went to PetSmart training classes! Good for you! (I'm a PetSmart trainer...)
  • Florence Fong

    Hi RUTH,
    Pancake has very distinctive markings...just like my Ritz. By the way, the pic on the left is not him.....yet to upload his pics. I love PWC for as long as I can remember since my childhood in England. Living in Singapore now.Ritz who's 19 mths old is my 3rd. Corgi.
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! What a cutie! Pancake is a great name. How did you come up with it?
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Ruth, Pancake is soo cute. I want my next corgi to be named Tater Tot!! Welcome!!!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Ruth!
  • Kristen

    Welcome to the group! Your Pancake is very handsome. I've always said that having a Corgi is like living with a cartoon charactor. They can always make you smile and laugh.
  • Florence Fong

    I believe that once you have a Corgi, you can't live without one. :o)
  • Corgi Mom

    LOL! I love it! :-D Can't wait until you get your new corgi and name it Waffles.
  • Carlie

    Thanks for your comment, your pup is adorable. We can't wait to meet Kiwi for the first time.
  • Bryan

    >Hi Bryan, your cardis have awesome markings!

    Hi Ruth! Simon & Blue send their thanks. They would like to remind everyone that they also accept food in lieu of compliments. ;-) Pancake is a good lookin' guy too. :-)

    >Corgis are basically big dogs stuck in a
    >lowrider's body.

    Exactly what I always say to people. They're big dogs, but lowered. :-)
  • Duncan

    Hi Ruth! Pancake is a muffin!!!!!!! thanks for your sweet welcoming comments, what a wonderful community :) Have a great weekend!
  • Ashley

    Thanks! I love him; and your Corgi is sooo cute!
  • WhiteDove

    Hi Ruth, Pancake is VERY handsome. . . .♥
  • Keahi and Kai

    they have the same blaze on their faces! and keahi is hawaiian for "fire" - a reference to his coloring as well as his personality :)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Ruth, how is Cameron doing? He will be 3 months tommorrow!
  • Lynne Brady

    Hey, Ruth......been wondering how you are doing.... shoot me out an email. Saw your husband last Saturday. He's great.....another root canal, but I trust him, so that's good... he showed me the molds he took of Cameron's foot and hand.....too adorable. Hugs, Miss ya....Maggie's Mom
  • Lynne Brady

    Ruth, got your email...........what a cutie.....he's getting sooooo big...but YOU know that....haha....i felt real comfortable with him, like with you......eye is fine, i had floaters.....they did a quick surgery and let me drive home...scary (you know me), but was fine.....let me know when you'd could get together again.....Lynne