

Murfreesboro, TN

United States

Profile Information:

Pigeon Forge
About Me:
I'm in college, a Junior, major is Studio-Painting. I love trying to balance school with my baby girl ;-)
About My Corgi(s):
My girl's name is Kassie, she'll be a year old in August. She loves to go outside and play with the neighbors' dogs. She's also very good at barking, esp. at delivery guys who knock on the door. Kassie was also the runt of the litter so even though she's almost a year she only weighs about 15 pounds and seems very small compared to everyone else's on here!

Comment Wall:

  • Suresh

    Very cute picture. Welcome!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Ashley and Kassie!
  • Adam & Brittany

    Yay! I am so happy you are on here <3
  • Gail

    The runts of the litter often make the best of the litter. I get my corgi, Saxan, this coming Friday. Everything is ready and waiting just like I was waiting for a baby.
  • Juel

    What a precious little girl! Welcome!
  • Shannon

    welcome and love the pics
  • Tammey & Caven

    Hi Ashley. Kassie is just adorable. We resqued Bear from the local pound when he was just six months old and at that time he weigh16 pounds and was the cuitest little thing we had ever seen. He now weighs well overr 350 LBS and eats ever thing he can get in his mouth. He killed a cow last year in Ohio and ate most of it before we found him. Cost me a bundle and now they wont let us back in the state. Keep her small they are much more fun when they are little.
  • Adam & Brittany

    i know! i miss you (both!) so much and i'm sure kirby would love a playmate. he has way too much energy lol. he is getting a little bigger, we go to the vet saturday so we'll see just how much he's grown then. he grew into his baby fat and skull a little lol his head used to look too big (still cute though). i'm glad kassie is doing well after her surgery, i will be so nervous when kirby gets neutered. good thing i'm not squeamish like some people haha <3