

Maurice, LA

United States

Profile Information:

Maurice, Louisiana
About Me:
I am a new corgi owner for 3 weeks. I feel like a new mom again. So far there is not a whole lot of difference between a puppy and a baby i.e. peep, poop and sleep deprivation.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My puppy was born April 13, 2008. We named him Saxon. When he is registered he will be Sir Saxon of Hope. He is a tri and is a whole lot of fun.
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  • Karen & Bailey

    Thanks! If you want him to be clothes-friendly, you have to start early!!! I think the first thing I put on Bailey was a baseball jersey (that came off one of my bears) at about 10 weeks.. Lol. He'll let me do just about anything to him now. =P
  • Gail and Ashton

    Hi Gail! As a corgi lover and fellow namesake I just had to stop by and say hello! I loved the graduation picture, so cute and happy! Much corgi love! <3
  • Warhol

    Heeeey Saxon!