Robin Judice


Lafayette, Louisiana

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm a physical therapist and animal lover.
About My Corgi(s):
Mr. Spock is a male tri-color, born in Lafayette on Feb 27, 2003. He has a younger 'sister', Peaches, a rottweiler and they are best friends. Spock is certified as an Animal Assisted Therapy dog and holds several titles in agility. None of his achievements are due to is all him! He's a great, laid back little guy!

Comment Wall:

  • Robin Judice

  • Robin Judice

  • Robin Judice

  • Anne

    well I got a great laugh seeing spook in the tupperware! Reminds me our girl getting into very small spaces. Also love the shots of him in his agility runs. Very partial to the tail. Thanks for sharing.
  • Steve

    Welcome! Mr. Spock is handsome and how lucky that he has a best sister/friend. Love the picture of him jumping the stick with his tail in the air.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome!!! Spock is adorable!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Robin, Spock, Peaches and family!
  • Dannielle

    Welcome! Mr. Spock is very beautiful! I love the pic of him in the container that is just too cute!
  • Megan and Penelope

    Hi, I saw your last name of Judice and just had to see if you were nearby! I keep finding out more ppl around here have corgis than I thought! Welcome!
  • FuzzyButt

    How awesome! If you want you can join the group Healing and Therapy Corgis! We could really use the extra support. Mr. Spook is a well rounded little fellow. Peaches looks like a sweetheart herself.
  • Anne

    Le-Le likes to have her head propped up and loves tight spaces. Though the shot of her in the side table was during our 1st month together and she always was under or in something. then she was scared to come out and see the world. Especially at the hotels as we travel. She is better now and likes to be up now on beds, sofas or chairs when we travel. We travel with large towels to put on objects so she can get off the floor. We made a special seat for her in our cargo truck so she can sit between my husband and I. She likes to lean into Gary and he has to have her arm around her with her head propped on his arm. Too cute! By the way you live in a place we love to visit.
  • FuzzyButt

    The same way you joined the South Louisiana Corgi's Group. Buttercup started the group after she found out that she was not the only one who got a corgi to help her in her life. We have supporters in there but the group seems to be at a stall. You can post on how/why you became a PT and how Mr. Spooks got into it as well.
  • Megan and Penelope

    I actually got through with a breeder in Oklahoma through other breeders. So, she came from pretty far away! We're near Scott. I'm sure Penny would love to meet Mr. Spock and Peaches. She loves playing with others dogs (except when all the labs and German shepherds in class play with her all at the time, she gets a little flustered with 4 big puppies on her!).