

Tampa, Florida

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Jen, I live on the west coast of Florida with my mom. Ryan, my boyfriend, lives up in Snohomish, WA with his family. I go to visit him on the holidays, and some time in the middle of the year. We have cats and a corgi here in Florida, while Ryan has a Shepard mix.
I don't get out much because I cannot legally drive, and due to a car accident last year my mobility is hampered. Though you may not be able to tell I suffer from back pains and cannot work. I am however in a wonderful physical therapy program for that. I also have a big problem with depression and even with treatment it seems that the slightest thing can set me off.
Some people may be wondering why I would get a corgi if I am so disabled, but I believe that corgis are special. They are unlike any other dog, in my eyes. I am Scotch/Irish, and I believe greatly in the tales of old, and in the healing powers of animals.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
The little one is a PWC, named Banzai Fuzzybutt. I got my new pup from Celestial Star Kennel. Banzai was born on the 25th of May 2008, and appears to be a well behaved little boy. Or so it appears. He has his moments but I think that he is at THAT age.
I have:

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  • Hi im Rob~Savanna`s dad

    yours is cute to. they look so much alike.
  • Toby

    Hi there.....I also am getting a corgi from Celeste. I put a deposit down with her last week but my puppy passed away, the mommy accidentally rolled over him. There is another litter coming due this weekend, so I hope to get first pickings !!! Your corgi is beautiful....I've heard only good things about her dogs.
  • Beth DeGrave

    that is my famous words to my corgi. Fuzzy Butt.