

Dubuque, IA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I had always wanted a Corgi, and my husband surprised me for my 30th birthday with one. he researched Corgis for a year and found a breeder that lives near us. We named her Yams (I like quirky names) and she has made us so happy. This is our first puppy so we have had quite the lifestyle change, but wouldn't change it for the world!
About My Corgi(s):
Yams was born April 17, 2008 to Will and Flirt (both Corgis) in Davenport, IA. We brought her home on June 3, 2008.

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Erin, Yams and family!
  • Megan and Penelope

    Thanks, Yams is a great name for that little cuteness! Penny is about 14 weeks now I think. She is getting better, so that is really nice and she understands more now. Don't worry about the kennel during the day at work, b/c I have to do that also. If she were out somewhere she would destroy things and worse probably hurt herself eating something she chewed up, like the baseboards near the floor! Yams will do fine though!
  • Sam Tsang

    You're welcome Erin :) My goal is to provide a great place for corgi owners worldwide. Do you run your own firm or freelance?
  • Shannon

  • winnie_the_dog

    oh my! yams is just too cute. winnie came from iowa too. it's hard to believe that she was once that small.
  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    Thanks Erin! Im picking her up tomorrow...I'm so excited I can't even begin to tell you!
    Yams is absolutely adorable. I guess we'll be helping each other out since they're almost the same age. Bella was born on 25 April :)
  • Bonny

    Thanks Erin, I'm looking forward to picking up puppy #2 this Sat!! I really love these dogs. Hope you're staying dry down there!
  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    Ah it's been wonderful so far! She is a little naughty pup though...she can get a bit wild at times. We lover her to bits though. I'm taking her to puppy classes starting this saturday. Should be really fun. How is your little baby? :)
  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    Bella can sleep through the night most nights...but there are a few nights when she'll wake up to do her business outside. I have to say, she is getting better with the housebreaking. She almost always goes outside to do her thing, but every now & then she'll do it inside. She's learning though, she's getting better. I have found a secret, feeding your wild pup a little drop of honey from your finger will put her to sleep. It's a miracle I tell ya...sometimes Bella needs it.
  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    Yeah a friend told me actually. It really works...within 2 minutes Yams will be asleep. I'm sure he tires you out sometimes, Bella certainly does :)

    We're both graphic cool! What company do you work for? What kinds of designs do you work on?
  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    I also do mostly print design...catalogues, posters, etc. I work for a company called Primolitos, but I'm leaving on 11th July to go work for an airline - Comair. I'll be their web designer. I've been wanting to get more into web design, so this is my chance...I cannot wait!
  • Bob Dog

    What a doll!
  • Katie

    Thanks for the comment! It is nice to meet someone from Iowa! I laughed when I saw your pictures because we have the exact same couch and pillows!! I'm glad our Corgi's are so close in age. It will be nice to talk to someone else who is going through the joys and pains of raising a puppy. They are so much fun.....but some days they are a lot of work!!
  • Katie

    Congrats on the new baby!! What an exciting time! Foxy has done pretty good with the potty training. She has an accident once every few weeks and it is such a bummer. I always feel like we are starting over when it happens. We have some major problems with chewing. It seems like she will chew on anything she can get her mouth on. Last night she got into my purse and started chewing on the key chain to the car. Next thing you know she set off the car alarm! I give her tons of bones, toys, ect. They keep her busy for a few minutes and then shes starts looking for something different to chew on. How is your puppy doing with chewing? Any suggestions?