

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

United States

Profile Information:

Waterloo, IA
About Me:
I live in Cedar Rapids, Iowa with my husband and our Corgi puppy named Foxy.
About My Corgi(s):
Foxy is our tri-color Corgi born on April 19th, 2008. She joined our family on June 6th, 2008. She has been a complete joy!!! She was a little shy at first, but has really come out of her shell. She has changed our lives for the better! We are so happy to have her!!!

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  • Erin

    I think Yams is about 9 lbs. I walk her almost every day because I've heard that Corgis can get overweight really fast. Yams would eat all day if I let her! She eats Maximum Nutrition, but I recently mixed it in with some organic dog food and she loves that too. Yams loves ice cream, yogurt, peanut butter...basically any human food, she's not picky! I'm surprised Foxy doesn't like peanut butter! I wouldn't worry about her weight- most females get to be 18-25 lbs, so she's probably right on track!
  • Carmen

    Hey, a fellow Iowan! Your little foxy is too cute! Enjoy the puppyhood; it goes way too fast!
  • VanCleave's

    Hey Katie I was just searching for local corgi owners and saw you lived in Swisher would you be interested in getting together with other corgi owners this summer in Iowa City? Let me know!