

Dubuque, IA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I had always wanted a Corgi, and my husband surprised me for my 30th birthday with one. he researched Corgis for a year and found a breeder that lives near us. We named her Yams (I like quirky names) and she has made us so happy. This is our first puppy so we have had quite the lifestyle change, but wouldn't change it for the world!
About My Corgi(s):
Yams was born April 17, 2008 to Will and Flirt (both Corgis) in Davenport, IA. We brought her home on June 3, 2008.

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  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    Hi's been a while! How are you doing?
    And how is Yams? I'd love to see some new pics :-)
  • Katie

    I Love the new pictures!! Yams looks so little! Foxy is about 13lbs. now. I'm worried she might be getting too heavy! I used to feed her Nutro Ultra and she must of hated it. I think she ate just the minimum to not starve. It took me a few weeks to catch on and realize she didn't like the taste. Now she eats Science Diet and she loves it. She gobbles it all up and then looks at me like she wants more! What do you feed Yams? We tried the Kong filled with PB and Foxy wouldn't touch it. So then we tried Low fat plain yogurt and she loves it. We put some in the Kong and then freeze it for a couple of hours. It keeps her busy for probably a whole 15 minutes! :-) Just this week she has really taken a liking to ice cubes. She plays with them and then chews them down. It must feel good on her teeth.
  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    Wow congratulations on the baby Erin! That's so exciting. Wish you all the best!