Nancy & Owen

44, Female

Kirkland, WA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Hi everyone! I'm a new dog owner and would appreciate any advise any of you have to throw my way!
About My Corgi(s):
Owen is a 7 month-old red and white/sable Pembroke Welsh corgi. He arrived home on May 23, 2008 and we're just getting to know each other! So far, Owen is a friendly, happy little guy but he's afraid of new situations such as walking on a leash outside (I think he's afraid of the cars) and is attached to his pen area and retreats there whenever he feels uncomfortable (such as when he sees the dreaded vacuum cleaner monster) :P Over time, he's gotten use to seeing cars, but sometimes will stop and look anxious (or other times run about wildly) if a bus or truck go by. He loves to meet new people and dogs though. I just started bringing him to a new puppy school out in the country (the old one didn't work for us because it was in the city and they didn't allow playtime) - and he loves it! He also had a great time playing with other corgis and enjoys going to corgi meetups. I noticed that he likes to herd other corgis, hehe. It's been a wonderful, yet at many times trying, experience having him in my life thus far. He's gradually taught me to be a more patient person :) I would love to eventually have him do agility when he's older since he seems like he has the personality for it.

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Nancy, Owen and family!
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Nancy. . . .can't wait to see pics of your fur baby Owen. . . .
  • Kristen

    Wecome Nancy and Owen. 5 months is a great age. If you can make it through this stage you are home free! My youngest Corgi will be 5-months on Wednesday. Good luck with the new family members.
  • Karen & Bailey

    hi Nancy and Owen! =D thanks!!!!! now where are these pics of Owen!?!! =P haha can't wait to see them.

    have fun with you new corgi! =D its a blast. youll get so many oooohsss and ahhhhs when you go out in public, its nuts!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome Nancy and Owen. Cute pictures. Where did you get the pen for Owen, I like it.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thank You for the wonderful compliments. Lance says Thank You too.
  • Suzanne

    Looks like Owen gets to travel around your great state. What a cute baby! Welcome and enjoy the information available. Sam has done a wonderful service for all of us.
  • Mike, Susan, Wally,Oliver & Eva!

    Congrats on the new addition to your family. Wally came into our lives in june, so we've only been together for a month and we're still getting to know eachother as well. So far though, your description of Owen sounds very much like Wally so if you have any info or advice as well, pass it this way =] BTW, i LOVE Owen's ears!
  • Suzanne

    Henry turns into a puppy as soon as his feet hit the sand and I'm glad he likes it so well because next to my garden it's my favorite place.
    When Jack gave me the woodburning of Henry I almost cried. He does such wonderful work.
  • Ricky Jones

    thank you :) as is your little one......actually we just moved here and our first play date is Sunday...If your talking about the meet at Normandale we'll be there too, but there are play dates on the second Sunday of every month at Chapman school at 11:00.
  • Ricky Jones

    as for feeding your dog "meaty bones" I strongly dissagree with chicken bones, as those bones can splinter and tear up your Corgi inside, and the best raw meat to start the little one on would be raw beef, easiest on stomache...
  • Ricky Jones

    then meats like beef heart, tripe, liver or cooked chicken are for veggies grated raw carrot, chopped parsley, tomatoes, cooked green beans, or baked sweet potatoes, these are all vitamin A-rich....also cottage cheese and raw egg yolks are good.. as for fruit things like apples and bananas are great.. :)
  • Ricky Jones

    Ya i cant wait to see what Gunner does around that many at once :)
  • Suzanne

    I tried both my guys on raw food. Did you know a dog could shudder? Wow they gave their opinion. The funny thing is they both love raw beef bones. Esp. ox tails. The diet I pickup was chicken though, and the only option was that or lamb. Henry has already given his opinion on lamb.
    I'm afraid to make my own. What if I left out something they really, really need? I know cats have a requirement for a specific amino acid or they'll go blind. Do dogs have any requirements like that? Someone told me to pick up a book, but how do I know they're correct in their choice of ingrediences? What if I made my boys sick. Worry, worry, worry.
  • Ricky Jones

    still goin to Normandale playdate?? took gunner to his first one the other day, he was a shy guy dint leave daddys side for a while till he found a girlfriend :)
  • Ricky Jones

    thats too bad... but no i havent been there yet, i hope its nice though....
  • Mike, Susan, Wally,Oliver & Eva!

    Everyone is always commenting on Wally's paws too! He definitely does the lunge and pet me routine when he wants people to say hi. He's already knocked over a little boy [thank goodness he and his mom just thought it was funny] but i really don't want him to injure anyone as well. I already have a difficult enough time trying to get him to walk w/o tripping me. We'll most likely end up enrolling him in some time of puppy training class, so if i learn anything new about how to make him heel, I'll be sure to pass it along =]