Furpants McGee

40, Female

Tustin, CA aka THE OC!

United States

Profile Information:

Brea, California, USA
About Me:
Newly married as of June 7th, my husband and I have decided to add a corgi friend to our family and absolutely can't wait. I'm looking forward to gaining as much knowledge as I can so that I can be a great corgi parent. :)
About My Corgi(s):
Abby joined our family on Saturday, July 19th, 2008. She is a tri-colored Cardigan Welsh Corgi and is LOADS of fun! She's learning things so quickly, and it's just so exciting to have her in our lives. :)

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  • Butter

    YEAAAHHHHHHH Good luck and have a safe flight there and back for you and your pooch!!! Can't wait to see all the pictures coming in. YEAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!
  • Butter

    They'll be no sleeping tonight!!
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Just thought I'd wish you well tomorrow. Timmy and I will be marching in the Fortuna Rodeo parade and busy until about 2. If you plan on going to the beach, be sure you have a sweatshirt or jacket, it's pretty cool up here on the far north coast. Also, you might make sure you have a harness for Abby. Sometimes puppies balk a lot with a leash attached to their collar and a harness makes that a little easier. Less likely to slip out.

    Good luck and sweet dreams tonight. You'll absolutely love her. Juel and I will be waiting for some great pics of Abby with her new family!
  • Maggie May

    Abby is sooo cute. That face is adorable! We just got our corgi, Maggie who's 3mos now, on June 30 and we are over the moon. Everyone she meets gives her so much attention when we go out, that I'm guessing that you'll create a riot when you go out with Abby!

    We used to live in Fullerton for 30 years. Love Brea Downtown.

    Enjoy your puppy. Maggie has a crate she sleeps in and luckily she's never fussed at all at bedtime. I am tired though from all the potty training duties and puppy chew watch! Sue and Maggie
  • Juel

    I know that you are here, getting Abby but I wanted to send a note. I am here at work and have thought about you and how excited you must be! I can imagine you plopped on the floor getting lots of puppy kisses! Any way hope you are having a blast and talk to you later!
  • Butter

    Just checking in to see if you had the energy to start posting pics. I imagine not!! Hope everything is going well and that you are having lots of fun. Take care, Joy and Baby Butter
  • Butter

    how is she being looked after when you are at work? Is your husband off sick? I hope he is doing ok....you must be tired! 4:00 am...hmmm...that is why we didn't get a puppy, however, I was up at 6:00am which is too early for me, trying to get Butter to pee in the yard...he loves nature and most of the time would sit and listen to birds. The neighbours must be tired of me screaming, Pee Buster Pee, so I can take him in and try to get back to sleep. Oh, a nature girl I am not, especially that early..!
  • Butter

    wow, it sounds like everything is going really well, very quickly!! that is great!! Abby is soooo pretty.
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey she's here! What a cutie :) Congrats!
  • Butter

    Oh my soul....she is adorable!!!! I love the new pics. She is bigger than I thought; about how much does she weigh now? Congratulations!!!
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    OH MY GOSH! She looks so beautiful now that she's in her forever home. Let the Abby puppy "games" begin!!!!!!! The pictures in the park look great and your husband seems to enjoy the kisses. Did she get you guys up early after her stress filled day? In the picture in the car she looks kind of bewildered, poor thing. As you know by now, she's not a runt anymore!

    I'm sorry that the weather was really cool and wet when you came up, but sometimes in the summer we get days when we don't see the sun. Abby must be enjoying the warmer temps. Did Steve give you all kinds of instructions? He's such a worry wart, about his dogs. I really want to know how she handled the plane flight and if anyone gave you any hassles, or if you got to share her with the other passengers? I gathered by looking at the pictures that you didn't have a problem with the rental car. I didn't think you would, we're pretty laid back and easy up here.

    Well, I'll be on watch for lots more pictures and reports on Abby's puppy "games". Remember that we're all here to help if any problems or questions come up. (Talk about a community raising a puppy!). Welcome Leslie and Jake to Corgiville!
  • Geri & Sidney

    She's so cute! How old is she? I love her markings and her dear sweet face.
  • Juel

    Your pictures are so CUTE! so glad that all of you are in doggy heaven! CONGRATS!
  • Banjo and Starbuck

    Cutest cardi ever!!! Congrats on finally getting her. It looks like she was more than worth the wait. Just holler if you need any puppy advice, and HAVE FUN!
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    I've been reading and noticed that everyone is getting along and even Mr. Grumpy will probably tolerate her eventually. It really is hard to leave them in the mornings, isn't it. Bet you can't wait for the weekends! The videos are great and it's so cute to see Abby playing with the kitties. have you signed her up for a puppy class?
  • Juel

    So glad to hear the family is bonding well! How tolerant your Kitties must be! I have to admit it is hard not to have the proud Auntie feeling! I am doing well although I have been busy with work. on top of all the fires the flu is floating around the office. I am drinking OJ like crazy. It won't take me down! All those puppy kisses must be heaven! Have a good day!
  • Juel

    What a great Story! Men think they're SOO Tough! (untill they see a pair of pretty eyes) HAHA If you figure out how to train yours to clean up please give me the instructions! Hehehe Hope your day is going well!
  • Juel

    She is getting bigger by the day!
  • Juel

    Her Sweater is BEAUTIFUL! Every girl needs accesories! haha! Besides if he doesn't pick up poop he has no say! The week after my boyfreiend got his german shepard puppy he broke and dislocated his ankle, the length men go to get out of things!
  • Butter

    Just saw your new wedding video...even better, got to really see your dress and you..both are so beautiful!! Cool coloursédecorating on that wedding cake!
  • Butter

    I'm sorry to hear that. The first year can be really difficult; marriage is like a mirror that doesn't just show our pretty sides. Now another stressor (although positive) has been added into the mix...I think it is normal to have an adjustment period. It will get better. I have talked to other couples who said that the 1st year was REALLY difficult. Hang in there. Joy
  • Butter

    Just wondering how you are doing?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Abbey is so cute, love the picture of her looking at herself in the mirror, sooooooooo cute!
  • Juel

    Good Morning, I am glad to hear that you & Abby is doing well! I had that problem with My boyfriend's German Shepard Rusty He would do well for a while then stall out and have recurring accidents in the house. Just about the time I started to doubt myself or the training, and even wonder if his bladder was functioning propperly he started getting more consistant with his potty trips. i know how frustrating it is to be headed out side and make to the entry way only to have them squat right on the edge of the carpet GRRRR . Excuse me OHH the happy puppy memories HAHA just keep telling your self that she is smart and she is still in her adjustment period, and all children growth comes in spurts And Don't worry she'll get the hang of it! Hope everything else is going well! Take care!
  • Juel

    YEAH! PICTURES! she is getting so big!
  • Juel

    No that was My last dog Weatherbee she was a german shepard/ queensland heeler cross. I can't get rusty to sit down long enough HAHA you think the puppy stage is taxing wait till the teenage stage LOL
  • Elie

    well, shes very cute
  • Butter

    Hi, I sent you a private message. J
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Leslie, Your Welcome! It seems a bit premature for him to walk out after just 2 months! Did he show signs before the wedding? Is he jealous of the new puppy, some guys get jealous of new babies maybe his is the puppy? I know job hunting can be stressful hopefully he will have some luck and find what he is looking for. Hopefully he will realize what he is doing to you. Have you spoken since he has left? I hope he comes to his senses soon. Natalie
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Yes, take care of yourself, stay strong and how wonderful you have Abby to keep you going.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    I am sorry to barge in....saw the posts and I wanted to let u know that marriage AND a new puppy can create a lot of stress...let alone no job..been there, done that. My husband works in manufacturing......lots of unemployment and stress. Its hard out there in the "real world".......its gonna be fine, trust me.
  • Butter

    Hi Leslie, how are you doing?

    Have you heard from your husband? 30 to me, sounds awful early for a mid-life crisis but I guess any sort of crisis can happen anytime.

    Is your job secure? If you lose it, are you in the type of work where you can get another quickly? You are having to deal with sooooo much. I am praying every day for both you and your husband. "What God put together, let no man put asunder (sp?)" I'm pretty sure that is said by the minister and that means your husband can't separate the marriage either. He is trying but we know that God is stronger. God has plans for his life as well.

    I really feel for you and think of you often throughout the day. Just getting married, as Jennie says, can create a lot of stress. My husband and I are TOTAL opposites. In fact, so much so, that the minister, at the wedding, based his whole little sermon on this fact. I almost died, I was so embarrassed. I felt we must be freaks that out of all his years of doing pre-marital counselling and weddings that he would pick us out as the most opposite. The opposite thing can be good and bad....at times we clash because we look at everything so differently and at times our strengths compliment each other. There is always hope. Keep your faith and keep praying.
    By the way, you mentioned you were Lutheran. It turns out that even though the minister who married us was Baptist and we were married in a Baptist church, that his wife was US Swedish and had a Lutheran background. We didn't find out till after the ceremony that we had been married in an ancient Lutheran tradition. When he was reading our vows, I thought they sounded ancient and very different than what I normally hear. He had an ancient litttle Lutheran book. The whole thing was kinda funny (no reflection on Lutherans);just strange that he never planned to tell us. Another surprise for me during the ceremony!! We have to laugh at all this "marriage" stuff.

    Anyway, I am glad you have Abby to comfort you. Hope and pray that things resolve soon so that you don't have to move and give up your cats.

    Your husband has been under a lot of stress (not that you aren't !!!!)....giving a kidney to his sister might make him feel more vunerable too, especially where he is still having ramifications from the surgery.

    Keep in touch and let me know how things are going. Joy PS I wish I knew what to really say!!!
  • Butter

    Hope you are oK, just checking in. Joy
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Leslie, Thinking of you, hoping you are alright. Natalie
  • Keith, Joanne, and Range

    Abby is so cute!! We want a Cardigan too, so our Range can have a play mate.
  • Butter

    HI there, wondering how you are today? J
  • Juel

    Hi and good afternoon! first off: AWWW did you stage that or do they like each other that much? Hope you are doing well hug Abby for me!
  • Keith, Joanne, and Range

    Yeah range is a handful by himself, he's constantly bothering me or stepping on my laptop when he's bored. He has a ton of toys, but that's not even enough. I love the Cardigans color, its so edgy.. hahaha!! Crossing my fingers hopefully by next year we can get a Cardigan.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Leslie, how are you doing? I was reading a post on Juels site and saw your post that someone stole Abby? : (
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    have you called the shelters in your area? Hopefully it is someone who will try to find Abbys owner. Did she have her tags on? How are you and Jake doing? I hope you get Abby back.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Put some lost posters up at the local stores, etc.
  • Juel

    oh my Goodness! I am so sorry :( ! If I can help just let me know! was she chipped? have you called Steve to see if he had her tattoed or chipped? I know you don't think of her as property but because of your investment in her the Sherrif/ animal control or who which ever agency handle stolen property might be an avenue for a report. another place for posters might be vet's office. Have you talked to Jake about her being gone? was she running from you or to someone? again I am so sorry!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Please keep me updated with any new info.....praying for Abby's safe return.
  • Juel

    THANK GOD! i am so glad she is home! Looks like we might need to secure her a little better. I am so glad that she got returned to you.
  • Juel

    oh my goodness, how awefull! those hours must have been so hard!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    I can imagine how hard those 5 hours were, so glad to hear Abby is back. : )
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Is Jake talking to you at all?
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Thank goodness, Leslie. I can't imagine the terror you felt. Give her an extra hug and kiss form Timmy and I.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    It makes me really sad that he isnt making an effort. :( Are you on good terms with his family, what do they think? I hope something works out for him and makes him happy and he realizes that he made a commitment to you and that he needs to fullfill it, because there are always going to be problems in life. Well I hope I am not rambling too much. As you can tell, I need to vent in situations like these. Hopefully your family/friends are being supportive of you and helping you out through this hard time. I just had one of my best girl friends go through a divorce, and they have 2 kids. The guy was an absolute jerk....no physical abuse, but mental which can be worse....he was/is a control freak. Well I hope that you are able to figure out what is best for you, so whatever choice you make you will be able to have a happy life. Things definately get more complicated with kids in the picture. No one deserves what you are going through. Take Care and talk to you soon.
  • Butter

    HI Leslie, just saw your posts, can't believe that you almost lost Abby. SO thankful she got returned; that is next to a miracle in my opinion, things like that don't happen too often.
    Write when you can (don't feel you have to write long messages), still praying for you all. Take care, Joy