lizabeth lubin


berkeley calif

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Born back east. Have lived in the Bay Area a long time. We had pretty bad experiences as kids with dogs, and Im not doing so good as an adult with my year old corgy named zack.
About My Corgi(s):
Zack is pretty intense. He thinks he is the "Man" of the house rather then the "dog"...He is very protective of me to the point of getting pretty crazy when others approach me, even my kids.He likes to bark for hours on end and still chews up any and all shoes, curtains and whatever else he can get to.Need I say more?

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Lizabeth and Zack!
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Lizabeth. . .I love Berkeley. . .did you actually go to the University?. . .nice campus. . .visited there back in the 80's and just fell in love with the area. . .from where I stayed, I could actually see San Francisco across the bay. . .COOL!. . .I was born in San Jose but was brought down to So. CA when I was a baby so lived here all my life. . .your little Zack is precious and reminds me of my Cloe. . .lol. . .she too loves to chew on anything that isn't mine. . .BIG LOL. . .yesterday she chewed off the tip of my brother's shoe. . .he laughed cause he said it was his fault for leaving it on the floor only adding temptation to her urge to chew. . .LOL. . .I'm glad he sees it that way. . . .hope you have a wonderful day. . .take care and be well

    Cloe is in the middle. . . .

  • WhiteDove

    Hi lizabeth. . .I asked my Vet about Cloe chewing and she told me something interesting. . .she said that if puppies are taken away from their mothers too young, they tend to become chewers. . .I noticed that with my other two babies. . .they don't chew at all but they stayed with their moms until they were almost 4 months old. . .Cloe was only 8 weeks old when I got her and that could be why she tends to chew. . .it can't be that she's bored. . .not with two more to play, chase and run with. . .don't know what to tell you only that it's a good idea not to leave things around Zack can get his teeth on. . .but must admit, don't know what to tell you about the door. . . .lol
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thank you for your comment. I believe the time is near and it is so hard to take. I don't want my baby to suffer so I am watching him daily for any signs of pain.I am sorry for your loss.I wish animals lived for ever and stayed little:)
  • Tammey & Caven

    Hello and to you and Zack. Sorry to hear that Zack is not having fun he is a good looking little guy. Maybe he is board. Corgis are smart and need things to do.
  • lizabeth lubin

    I think as I told Tammey and caven, I need to find someone who can train me to be a good dog owner, then things will fall into place. I also have two teenage a single mom...need I say more?
  • lizabeth lubin

    Question: Have any of your corgis had infestation of fleas around the back side, where there seemed to be little groupings of black dots{the vet said fleas} that were trying to dig into the skin.....