
, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Arlington, VA
About Me:
I <3 Corgis
About My Corgi(s):
Indigo aka Indy

Comment Wall:

  • WhiteDove

    Welcome FT. . .two of my pupsters came from Minnesota and they love the California weather. . .I take them to the beach and doggy park to get them out of the house. . .they love car rides too. . . .I'm sure you'll have no problem finding that special fur baby. . . .
  • Kristen

    Welcome FT. I had looked at a breeder that was down in the Richmond area. I don't live in that area, but I travel to DC frequently. I don't have the info at my office, but I'll look for it and drop it to you later. Seems like there were a few in the Middleton area as well. Good luck. Will this be your first?
  • Kristen This is the website for the first group I had looked into. I never did a site visit because I found a breeder in Missouri. I can't vouch for them, but they had lovely dogs on their website.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome FT!
  • Indy

    Thanks for your warm welcome and great leads! I'm very excited about my first puppy and have sent a bunch of emails to breeders. So far, the puppies available are a little more than what I'd like to pay ($1200). What is a typical price for a corgi puppy? There was a breeder who said I could take a pup home after 7 weeks, but that seems like a red flag...
  • Rowan Virginia Draper

    Hey FT! I don't know any breeders in this area either, I only know Rowan's breeder who lives near Lexington VA - I can check with her about breeders in this area though if you'd like. She probably knows other breeders. I don't know about the 'typical price' for a puppy, but I paid $300 for Rowan 5 years ago (she was a little less than the others because she was the runt of her litter). I think her breeder currently charges $500 - $700 for her puppies, depending on sex and quality. $1200 sounds high to me too, but again, I haven't been shopping around.
  • Nancy, Curtis and Triley

    Hey FT! Curtis and I really liked our breeder, but we seriously overpaid for Triley. We fell in love with him and then learned her puppies were being sold for over $1,000. We figured the was normal - which it isn't - and we loved Triley so we paid it. Whoops! I doubt you want to pay that much for your pup (who does?!), but I can give you the breeder's name if you want. She breeds and seriously shows her dogs, so maybe that is why they are so expensive? I know that the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of the Potomac has a list of recommended breeders ( - that would be a good place to start. We spoke with the Carrie at Delarno ( and she didn't have any pups but recommended our breeder, so she might also be a good source. Just make sure not to over pay! Good luck! Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help!

    PS: even though we paid too much, we are very happy with Triley. He also was papertrained when we got him and was housebroken within a month, which was very nice...
  • Nancy, Curtis and Triley

    I just read Rowan's comment below mine. It sounds like other breeders do charge around $1,200 - now at least I feel a little better about how much we paid. Anyway, clearly there is a total range of prices, so I'd make sure to talk with each breeder for a while so that you feel comfortable with the pup you are getting for whatever you choose to pay. Again, good luck! Corgis are the best dogs ever. They are "priceless" ;-)
  • Nancy, Curtis and Triley

    Final comment: we got Triley when he was almost 13 weeks. The breeder would have let us take him at 11 weeks, but we were out of town at the time. I wouldn't take a pup at 7 weeks, that seems far too young!
  • Carlie

    I don't mind giving you the info at all, I'm not sure when her next litter of puppies is due, but it's definitely worth inquiring. Her name is Susan Strickland, her website is: On her website you can kind of get a feel for her dogs. My husband and I have been incredibly pleased and impressed with Kiwi, and we are actually thinking of getting an addition when Kiwi turns 1. We paid $900 for Kiwi, but I'm not sure if she varies her prices based on tri-color, fluffy, etc. Hope this helps! Good luck in your search!
  • Yogi

    hi, im only now seeing a comment u left on my page. yes i did get my corgi from a breeder in pa. let me know if you need more info. sorry for the long delay .
  • Shelby Hurst

    Thank you!!!
  • mikonami

    Indy is so cute!! She really does look like Yoda in that picture.
  • Court

    How cute! and what great fotos!
    I'm trying to find a digital camera
    and was wondering if you could share what you use,
    Hope to see you at a meet-up that we can plan through
    Richmond Corgi Meet-up (really it's for Virginia, so anyone with an idea like backyard play date with a potluck for the travellers means we could even come to you!...Corgi Kisses and Scritches (the UK corgi group often uses that word instead of scratches!) for your
    baby girl!